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Mysql - 8.0.20 - winx64.zip latest installation steps


1. The default directory in mysql, my new ini configuration file (or find) on the network, the file format is as follows:
Default - character - set=UTF8MB4
Basedir="E: \ mysql - 8.0.20 - winx64"
Datadir="E: \ mysql - 8.0.20 - winx64 \ data", "
Default - storage - engine=INNODB
Lost password # to skip stages
# the skip - grant - tables
# Server="E: \ mysql - 8.0.20 - winx64 \ bin \ mysqld exe"

2, CMD to enter the command line, and into the corresponding mysql decompression bin directory E: \ mysql - 8.0.20 - winx64 \ bin> (this directory is my own, don't ask me your directory) executing the following command
PS E: \ mysql - 8.0.20 - winx64 \ bin> Mysqld - install

//initialization, generated by default data file directory [color=# FF6600]
PS E: \ mysql - 8.0.20 - winx64 \ bin> Mysqld -- the initialize - user=mysql

PS E: \ mysql - 8.0.20 - winx64 \ bin> Net start mysql
The MySQL service is starting.
MySQL service has been launched successfully,

PS E: \ mysql - 8.0.20 - winx64 \ bin> Mysql -u root -p
Enter password: * * * * * * * * * * * * (here is the password of the data file log password root @ localhost: * * * * * * * *)

//show the login success
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with; Or \ g.
Your MySQL connection id is 8
Server version: 8.0.20

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Type 'help. 'or' h \ 'for help. Type' \ c 'to clear the current input statement.
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