I uploaded a new build to AppStoreConnect. I was able to test it through TestFlight.
I sent the build to review, it was approved. Then when I tried to open the test app on my device and got the above error:
The status on TestFlight seems to be "Ready for Submit, expires in 86 days".
I tried to remove the app, and reinstall it from TestFlight. Then I got this:
Restarting the phone, or trying to install it from a different device leads to the same problem.
Why does that happen? Is it an Apple-side bug?
What is the workaround for this issue?
CodePudding user response:
This seems to be a bug in TestFlight and/or iOS.
It happens when updates are installed automatically. Manually installing the same update works just fine.
If you have already installed it, downgrading to a previous build or the the App Store build and then manually updating will work.
This started happening in late October of 2022 and is still happening to our builds as of November 2022.
CodePudding user response:
You need to upload a new version onto test flight or add a new app directly with your mac so that it does not use testflight at all.