Home > database >  PLS - 00201: must declare identifier
PLS - 00201: must declare identifier


[warning] ORA - 24344: success, but a compiler error
767/69: PLS - 00201 must be declared identifier 'RETOBJ20'
765/3 PL/SQL: Item ignored
1258/24: PLS - 00201 must be declared identifier 'RETDATA20'
PL/SQL: 1258/24 Item ignored
1259/24: PLS - 00201 must be declared identifier 'RETOBJ20'
PL/SQL: 1259/24 Item ignored
1279/9 PLS - 00320: the expression of type declaration format is incomplete or incorrect
PL/SQL: 1279/9 Statement ignored
1280/9 PLS - 00320: the expression of type declaration format is incomplete or incorrect
PL/SQL: 1280/9 Statement ignored
1303/11 PLS - 00320: the expression of type declaration format is incomplete or incorrect
PL/SQL: 1303/11 Statement ignored
1307/15 PLS - 00320: the expression of type declaration format is incomplete or incorrect
PL/SQL: 1307/11 Statement ignored
1323/20 PLS - 00320: the expression of type declaration format is incomplete or incorrect
PL/SQL: 1323/20 ORA - 00904: "V_LIST" : identifier is invalid
1317/7 of the PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
(1, 0) : warning: compiled but with a compiler error

this is the need to build type? How to build a

The create or replace PROCEDURE get_list_test (p_apply_level VARCHAR2 IN
, p_level_value IN VARCHAR2
, x_ret_code OUT VARCHAR2
, x_ret_msg OUT VARCHAR2
, x_ret_data OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS
Rec_profile sys_setting % ROWTYPE;
V_profile_value VARCHAR2 (1024);
V_profile_value_id VARCHAR2 (32).
V_list retdata20 :=NEW retdata20 ();
V_model retobj20;
V_count NUMBER:=0;
FOR cur IN (SELECT t. *
The FROM sys_setting
WHERE t.a pply_level LIKE '%' | | p_apply_level | | '%'
AND t.s Tate='A')
V_count: v_count +=1;
SELECT pv., pv. Id
INTO v_profile_value
, v_profile_value_id
The FROM sys_setting_value pv
WHERE pv. Profile_id=cur. Id
AND pv. Level_value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/p_level_value;

V_list. The extend ();
V_list (v_list. Count) := retobj20
, v_profile_value_id
, cur. Profile_code
, p_apply_level
, p_level_value
, v_profile_value
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL)
, to_char (NULL));
The WHEN no_data_found THEN
V_model:=get_parent_profile_value (cur profile_code
, p_apply_level
, p_level_value);

IF (v_model f01 IS NOT NULL)
V_list. The extend ();
V_list (v_list. Count) :=v_model;
END the IF;
The END;

V_count: v_count +=1;
The OPEN x_ret_data FOR
The SELECT res. F01 AS profile_value_id
Res. F02 AS profile_code
Res. F03 AS profile_level_type
Res. F04 AS profile_level_value
Res. F05 AS profile_value
Res. F06 AS profile_level_value_name
FROM the TABLE (v_list) res;

The END;

CodePudding user response:

refer to the original poster Ellion response:
[warning] ORA - 24344: success, but a compiler error
767/69: PLS - 00201 must be declared identifier 'RETOBJ20'
765/3 PL/SQL: Item ignored
1258/24: PLS - 00201 must be declared identifier 'RETDATA20'
PL/SQL: 1258/24 Item ignored
1259/24: PLS - 00201 must be declared identifier 'RETOBJ20'
PL/SQL: 1259/24 Item ignored
1279/9 PLS - 00320: the expression of type declaration format is incomplete or incorrect
PL/SQL: 1279/9 Statement ignored
1280/9 PLS - 00320: the expression of type declaration format is incomplete or incorrect
PL/SQL: 1280/9 Statement ignored
1303/11 PLS - 00320: the expression of type declaration format is incomplete or incorrect
PL/SQL: 1303/11 Statement ignored
1307/15 PLS - 00320: the expression of type declaration format is incomplete or incorrect
PL/SQL: 1307/11 Statement ignored
1323/20 PLS - 00320: the expression of type declaration format is incomplete or incorrect
PL/SQL: 1323/20 ORA - 00904: "V_LIST" : identifier is invalid
1317/7 of the PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
(1, 0) : warning: compiled but with a compiler error

this is the need to build type? How to build a

The create or replace PROCEDURE get_list_test (p_apply_level VARCHAR2 IN
, p_level_value IN VARCHAR2
, x_ret_code OUT VARCHAR2
, x_ret_msg OUT VARCHAR2
, x_ret_data OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS
Rec_profile sys_setting % ROWTYPE;
V_profile_value VARCHAR2 (1024);
V_profile_value_id VARCHAR2 (32).
V_list retdata20 :=NEW retdata20 ();
V_model retobj20;
V_count NUMBER:=0;
FOR cur IN (SELECT t. *
The FROM sys_setting
WHERE t.a pply_level LIKE '%' | | p_apply_level | | '%'
AND t.s Tate='A')
V_count: v_count +=1;
SELECT pv., pv. Id
INTO v_profile_value
, v_profile_value_id
The FROM sys_setting_value pv
WHERE pv. Profile_id=cur. Id
AND pv. Level_value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/p_level_value;

V_list. The extend ();
V_list (v_list. Count) := retobj20
, v_profile_value_id
, cur. Profile_code
, p_apply_level
, p_level_value
, v_profile_value
, to_char (NULL)
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