Home > database >  Please enter CentOS Oracle19C DG master-slave problem (ace)
Please enter CentOS Oracle19C DG master-slave problem (ace)


Allocated channel: prmy1
The channel prmy1: SID=269 device type=DISK

Allocated channel: prmy2
The channel prmy2: SID=399 device type=DISK

Allocated channel: prmy3
The channel prmy3: SID=18 device type=DISK

Allocated channel: prmy4
The channel prmy4: SID=145 device type=DISK

Allocated channel: stby
The channel stby: SID=263 device type=DISK

Starting the Duplicate Db at 19 - FEB - 20

The contents of the Memory Script:
As backup copy reuse
Passwordfile auxiliary format '/u01/app/oracle19c/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/DBS/orapwplm1';
Executing the Memory Script

Starting backup at 19 - FEB - 20
Finished backup at 19 - FEB - 20

The contents of the Memory Script:
As backup copy current controlfile for standby auxiliary format '/u01/app/oracle19c oradata/PLM1/control01 CTL';
Restore clone primary controlfile to '/u01/app/oracle19c oradata/PLM1/control02 CTL' from
'/u01/app/oracle19c oradata/PLM1/control01 CTL';
Executing the Memory Script

Starting backup at 19 - FEB - 20
The channel prmy1: starting datafile copy
Copying standby control file
The output file name=/u01/app/oracle19c/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/DBS/snapcf_plm1 tag=f TAG20200219T225317
The channel prmy1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished backup at 19 - FEB - 20

Starting restore the at 19 - FEB - 20

The channel stby: copied the control file copy
Finished restore the at 19 - FEB - 20

The contents of the Memory Script:
The alter database SQL clone 'mount standby database';
Executing the Memory Script

The SQL statement: the alter database mount standby database
RMAN - 05158: WARNING: auxiliary (datafile) file name/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/system01. DBF conflicts with a file 2 by the target database
RMAN - 05158: WARNING: auxiliary (datafile) file name/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/sysaux01. DBF conflicts with a file 2 by the target database
RMAN - 05158: WARNING: auxiliary (datafile) file name/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/undotbs01. DBF conflicts with a file 2 by the target database
RMAN - 05158: WARNING: auxiliary (datafile) file name/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/users01. DBF conflicts with a file 2 by the target database
RMAN - 05158: WARNING: auxiliary (tempfile as expected) file name/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/temp01. DBF conflicts with a file 2 by the target database

The contents of the Memory Script:
The set newname for tempfile as expected 1 to
"/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/temp01. DBF";
The switch clone tempfile as expected all;
The set newname for datafile 1 to
"/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/system01. DBF";
3 to set newname for datafile
"/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/sysaux01. DBF";
4 to set newname for datafile
"/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/undotbs01. DBF";
The set newname for datafile to
"/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/users01. DBF";
As backup copy reuse
Datafile 1 auxiliary format
"/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/system01. DBF" datafile
3 auxiliary format
"/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/sysaux01. DBF" datafile
Four auxiliary format
"/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/undotbs01. DBF" datafile
7 auxiliary format
"/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/users01. DBF";
SQL 'the alter system archive log current';
Executing the Memory Script

Executing the command: SET NEWNAME

Renamed tempfile as expected 1 to/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/temp01. DBF in the control file

Executing the command: SET NEWNAME

Executing the command: SET NEWNAME

Executing the command: SET NEWNAME

Executing the command: SET NEWNAME

Starting backup at 19 - FEB - 20
The channel prmy1: starting datafile copy
Input datafile file number=name=00001/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/system01. DBF
The channel prmy2: starting datafile copy
Input datafile file number=name=00003/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/sysaux01. DBF
The channel prmy3: starting datafile copy
Input datafile file number=name=00004/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/undotbs01. DBF
The channel prmy4: starting datafile copy
Input datafile file number=name=00007/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/users01. DBF
The output file name=/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/users01. DBF tag=TAG20200219T225326
The channel prmy4: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
The output file name=/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/system01. DBF tag=TAG20200219T225326
The channel prmy1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15
The output file name=/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/sysaux01. DBF tag=TAG20200219T225326
The channel prmy2: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15
The output file name=/u01/app/oracle19c/oradata/PLM1/undotbs01. DBF tag=TAG20200219T225326
The channel prmy3: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15
Finished backup at 19 - FEB - 20
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