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rbind 4 dataframe and remove specific string in R



A <-data.frame(V1=c("Amy", 1:6), V2=c("Grade", 1:6), V3=c("level", LETTERS[1:6]))
B <-data.frame(V1=c("Mike", 1:6), V2=c("Grade", 1:6), V3=c("level", LETTERS[1:6]))
C <-data.frame(V1=c("Kevin", 1:6), V2=c("Grade", 1:6), V3=c("level", LETTERS[1:6]))
D <-data.frame(V1=c("Grace", 1:6), V2=c("Grade", 1:6), V3=c("level", LETTERS[1:6]))

df <- A %>% rbind(B, C, D) %>% setnames(c("V1", "V2", "V3"), c("ID", "Grade", "level"))

I have 4 dataframe need to merge, the code above will keep value what I want to remove. I want ask about maybe have more effective way?

I want to replace Grade and level by NA or space. enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

I don't understand your question, but, assuming you want to keep the structure you show in the image, and you only want to replace the values indicated by NA or a white space (" ") you can first locate the position where these values are and assign by the character you want:

df[which(df=="Grade" | df == "level", arr.ind = T)] <- " " 

You can use white space (" ") or NA. The output is:

> df
      ID Grade level
1    Amy            
2      1     1     A
3      2     2     B
4      3     3     C
5      4     4     D
6      5     5     E
7      6     6     F
8   Mike            
9      1     1     A
10     2     2     B
11     3     3     C
12     4     4     D
13     5     5     E
14     6     6     F
15 Kevin            
16     1     1     A
17     2     2     B
18     3     3     C
19     4     4     D
20     5     5     E
21     6     6     F
22 Grace            
23     1     1     A
24     2     2     B
25     3     3     C
26     4     4     D
27     5     5     E
28     6     6     F

CodePudding user response:

Consider turning the name into a column. It'll probably be better for further analysis.

library(janitor) # Handy row_to_names function

list(A, B, C, D) |> 
  lapply(\(x) row_to_names(x, row_number = 1)) |>
  Reduce(bind_rows, x = _) |>
  pivot_longer(-c(Grade, level), values_drop_na = TRUE, values_to = "ID")


# A tibble: 24 × 4
   Grade level name  ID   
   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
 1 1     A     Amy   1    
 2 2     B     Amy   2    
 3 3     C     Amy   3    
 4 4     D     Amy   4    
 5 5     E     Amy   5    
 6 6     F     Amy   6    
 7 1     A     Mike  1    
 8 2     B     Mike  2    
 9 3     C     Mike  3    
10 4     D     Mike  4    
11 5     E     Mike  5    
12 6     F     Mike  6    
13 1     A     Kevin 1    
14 2     B     Kevin 2    
15 3     C     Kevin 3    
16 4     D     Kevin 4    
17 5     E     Kevin 5    
18 6     F     Kevin 6    
19 1     A     Grace 1    
20 2     B     Grace 2    
21 3     C     Grace 3    
22 4     D     Grace 4    
23 5     E     Grace 5    
24 6     F     Grace 6 
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