Home > database >  Query that formats the data into new columns based on the value of a column
Query that formats the data into new columns based on the value of a column


A table in a database has the following data:

index item height width
0 A 5 1
1 A 6 1
2 A 7 1
0 B 55 8
1 B 66 8
2 B 77 8

With an SQL query it should be turned into:

index A.height A.width B.height B.width
0 5 1 55 8
1 6 1 66 8
2 7 1 77 8

There can be, at the time of writing the SQL query, an unknown number of different items (A,B,C,D,...), and the new columns should be generated accordingly (... D.height, D.width ...).

What would be the best approach to do this in SQL?

The goal is to

  • have a continuous index column without duplicates, and
  • query a slice of the data by using the index (e.g. WHERE index BETWEEN 1 AND 6), and
  • have all the data returned with one query
  • (and, of course, not modify the original table)

CodePudding user response:

What you are looking for is a Dynamic PIVOT which requires Dynamic SQL.

There are many examples, but I get the sense you need a nudge.


Declare @SQL varchar(max) = '
Select *
 From  (
        select [Index]
         From  yourtable A
         Cross Apply ( values ( concat(item,''.height''),height)
                             ,( concat(item,''.width'' ),width )
       ) src
 Pivot ( max(value) for Item in ('   stuff((select Distinct ','   QuoteName(concat(item,'.height')) ','   QuoteName(concat(item,'.width')) From  yourtable Order By 1 For XML Path('')),1,1,'')   ') ) pvt


enter image description here

EDIT: The Generated SQL Looks like this

Select *
 From  (
        select [Index]
         From  yourtable A
         Cross Apply ( values ( concat(item,'.height'),height)
                             ,( concat(item,'.width' ),width )
       ) src
 Pivot ( max(value) for Item in ([A.height],[A.width],[B.height],[B.width]) ) pvt
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