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How to change the keys in nested array of objects


Following is my array and I need to replace the keys as name to title and Email to subtitle.

I tried some ways but it's not fulfilled my requirement. Could please provide any solution about this.

Thanks in advance

const newUpdatedList = [];
resArr.forEach((res) => {
  const obj = {
    title: res.name,
    subtitle: res.attributes.Email

  if (res.children) {
    const newList = res.children.map((ch) => {
      return {
        title: ch.name,
        subtitle: ch.attributes.Email,
    obj.children = newList;
const resArr = 
  [ { user_id    : 'f7ba4795-d279-4c38-9a84-7a49522c50a2'
    , name       : 'Harsha ABC'
    , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gfqv04bo'
    , attributes : { Email: '[email protected]', Role: 'admin'} 
    , children: 
      [ { user_id    : 'd748037a-b445-41c2-b82f-4d6ee9396714'
        , name       : 'Lavaraju Allu'
        , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gfqv472q'
        , attributes : { Email: '[email protected]', Role: 'Manager'} 
        , children: 
          [ { user_id    : '881c7731-b853-4ebc-b271-8f9e9215f7a1'
            , name       : 'Ramesh Allu'
            , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gh14i13t'
            , attributes : { Email: '[email protected]', Role: 'Retailer'} 
            , children: 
              [ { user_id    : 'f7ba4795-d279-4c38-9a84-7a49522c50a2'
                , name       : 'Harsha ABC'
                , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gh15nrev'
                , attributes : { Email: '[email protected]', Role: 'Delivery Manager'} 
                , children   : [] 
        } ] } ] } 
      , { user_id    : '550cc296-d7e4-44fb-9d62-4c6755b3f6f2'
        , name       : 'Suresh Kunisetti'
        , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gfqv6idi'
        , attributes : { Email: '[email protected]', Role: 'Super Admin'} 
        , children: 
          [ { user_id    : '45cf19f8-36c1-4669-9333-1226c4f7b66b'
            , name       : 'Harish Three'
            , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1ggv5vffb'
            , attributes : { Email: '[email protected]', Role: 'Delivery Manager'} 
            , children   : [] 
        } ] } 
      , { user_id    : '2c8535be-5fe7-40f0-892f-0f9bcffe0baa'
        , name       : 'Sandeep Bbb'
        , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gh14m5p4'
        , attributes : { Email: '[email protected]', Role: 'Delivery Manager'} 
        , children   : [] 
      , { user_id    : '881c7731-b853-4ebc-b271-8f9e9215f7a1'
        , name       : 'Ramesh Allu'
        , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gh14pc6p'
        , attributes : { Email: '[email protected]', Role: 'Manager'} 
        , children   : [ ] 
    } ] } 

Expected output is

const resArr = 
  [ { user_id    : 'f7ba4795-d279-4c38-9a84-7a49522c50a2'
    , title      : 'Harsha ABC'
    , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gfqv04bo'
    , attributes : { subtitle: '[email protected]', Role: 'admin'} 
    , children: 
      [ { user_id    : 'd748037a-b445-41c2-b82f-4d6ee9396714'
        , title      : 'Lavaraju Allu'
        , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gfqv472q'
        , attributes : { subtitle: '[email protected]', Role: 'Manager'} 
        , children: 
          [ { user_id    : '881c7731-b853-4ebc-b271-8f9e9215f7a1'
            , title      : 'Ramesh Allu'
            , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gh14i13t'
            , attributes : { subtitle: '[email protected]', Role: 'Retailer'} 
            , children: 
              [ { user_id    : 'f7ba4795-d279-4c38-9a84-7a49522c50a2'
                , title      : 'Harsha ABC'
                , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gh15nrev'
                , attributes : { subtitle: '[email protected]', Role: 'Delivery Manager'} 
                , children   : [] 
        } ] } ] } 
      , { user_id    : '550cc296-d7e4-44fb-9d62-4c6755b3f6f2'
        , title      : 'Suresh Kunisetti'
        , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gfqv6idi'
        , attributes : { subtitle: '[email protected]', Role: 'Super Admin'} 
        , children: 
          [ { user_id    : '45cf19f8-36c1-4669-9333-1226c4f7b66b'
            , title      : 'Harish Three'
            , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1ggv5vffb'
            , attributes : { subtitle: '[email protected]', Role: 'Delivery Manager'} 
            , children   : [] 
        } ] } 
      , { user_id    : '2c8535be-5fe7-40f0-892f-0f9bcffe0baa'
        , title      : 'Sandeep Bbb'
        , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gh14m5p4'
        , attributes : { subtitle: '[email protected]', Role: 'Delivery Manager'} 
        , children   : [] 
      , { user_id    : '881c7731-b853-4ebc-b271-8f9e9215f7a1'
        , title      : 'Ramesh Allu'
        , custom_id  : 'mani78989-1gh14pc6p'
        , attributes : { subtitle: '[email protected]', Role: 'Manager'} 
        , children   : [] 
    } ] } 

CodePudding user response:

I am not 100% sure I understand correctly what you're trying to do, but it seems you are trying to change the key names in an array of objects. Let me know if this is wrong. Something like this would work in that case"

const arrayOfObj = [{
    name: 'value1',
    email: 'value2'
  }, {
    name: 'value1',
    email: 'value2'
  const newArrayOfObj = arrayOfObj.map(({
    name: title,
    email: subtitle,
  }) => ({

found this answer here

CodePudding user response:

A quick solution could be to stringify, string replace and parse back to object/array. Something like this:

const asString = JSON.stringify(resArr);
const replacedNames = asString.replace(/name/g, "title");
const replacedEmail = replacedNames.replace(/Email/g, "subtitle");
const result = JSON.parse(replacedEmail);

the changed object/array is in result.

CodePudding user response:

Here's a recursive solution.

const resArr= [{"user_id": "f7ba4795-d279-4c38-9a84-7a49522c50a2","name": "Harsha ABC","custom_id": "mani78989-1gfqv04bo","attributes": {"Email": "[email protected]","Role": "admin"},"children": [{"user_id": "d748037a-b445-41c2-b82f-4d6ee9396714","name": "Lavaraju Allu","custom_id": "mani78989-1gfqv472q","attributes": {"Email": "[email protected]","Role": "Manager"},"children": [{"user_id": "881c7731-b853-4ebc-b271-8f9e9215f7a1","name": "Ramesh Allu","custom_id": "mani78989-1gh14i13t","attributes": {"Email": "[email protected]","Role": "Retailer"},"children": [{"user_id": "f7ba4795-d279-4c38-9a84-7a49522c50a2","name": "Harsha ABC","custom_id": "mani78989-1gh15nrev","attributes": {"Email": "[email protected]","Role": "Delivery Manager"},"children": []}]}]},{"user_id": "550cc296-d7e4-44fb-9d62-4c6755b3f6f2","name": "Suresh Kunisetti","custom_id": "mani78989-1gfqv6idi","attributes": {"Email": "[email protected]","Role": "Super Admin"},"children": [{"user_id": "45cf19f8-36c1-4669-9333-1226c4f7b66b","name": "Harish Three","custom_id": "mani78989-1ggv5vffb","attributes": {"Email": "[email protected]","Role": "Delivery Manager"},"children": []}]},{"user_id": "2c8535be-5fe7-40f0-892f-0f9bcffe0baa","name": "Sandeep Bbb","custom_id": "mani78989-1gh14m5p4","attributes": {"Email": "[email protected]","Role": "Delivery Manager"},"children": []},{"user_id": "881c7731-b853-4ebc-b271-8f9e9215f7a1","name": "Ramesh Allu","custom_id": "mani78989-1gh14pc6p","attributes": {"Email": "[email protected]","Role": "Manager"},"children": []}]}]

function changeTitles(Obj){
  Obj.title = Obj.name;
  Obj.attributes.subtitle = Obj.attributes.Email;
  delete Obj.name;
  delete Obj.attributes.Email;
  if (Obj.children) {

const clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(resArr)) // Because the function mutates the object


CodePudding user response:

One of the Simplest way we can use is to use Object.assign something like this:

a={'name': 'xyz', 'Email': '[email protected]'};
b= Object.assign({'title': a.name, 'subtitle': a.Email});

CodePudding user response:

I was a little late with my answer, so it looks like a copy of Brother58697's answer. The only difference is maybe the structuredClone() method, a newish global method:

const resArr= [ { "user_id": "f7ba4795-d279-4c38-9a84-7a49522c50a2", "name": "Harsha ABC", "custom_id": "mani78989-1gfqv04bo", "attributes": { "Email": "[email protected]", "Role": "admin" }, "children": [ { "user_id": "d748037a-b445-41c2-b82f-4d6ee9396714", "name": "Lavaraju Allu", "custom_id": "mani78989-1gfqv472q", "attributes": { "Email": "[email protected]", "Role": "Manager" }, "children": [ { "user_id": "881c7731-b853-4ebc-b271-8f9e9215f7a1", "name": "Ramesh Allu", "custom_id": "mani78989-1gh14i13t", "attributes": { "Email": "[email protected]", "Role": "Retailer" }, "children": [ { "user_id": "f7ba4795-d279-4c38-9a84-7a49522c50a2", "name": "Harsha ABC", "custom_id": "mani78989-1gh15nrev", "attributes": { "Email": "[email protected]", "Role": "Delivery Manager" }, "children": [] } ] } ] }, { "user_id": "550cc296-d7e4-44fb-9d62-4c6755b3f6f2", "name": "Suresh Kunisetti", "custom_id": "mani78989-1gfqv6idi", "attributes": { "Email": "[email protected]", "Role": "Super Admin" }, "children": [ { "user_id": "45cf19f8-36c1-4669-9333-1226c4f7b66b", "name": "Harish Three", "custom_id": "mani78989-1ggv5vffb", "attributes": { "Email": "[email protected]", "Role": "Delivery Manager" }, "children": [] } ] }, { "user_id": "2c8535be-5fe7-40f0-892f-0f9bcffe0baa", "name": "Sandeep Bbb", "custom_id": "mani78989-1gh14m5p4", "attributes": { "Email": "[email protected]", "Role": "Delivery Manager" }, "children": [] }, { "user_id": "881c7731-b853-4ebc-b271-8f9e9215f7a1", "name": "Ramesh Allu", "custom_id": "mani78989-1gh14pc6p", "attributes": { "Email": "[email protected]", "Role": "Manager" }, "children": [] } ] } ];

function trans(arr){
  o.title=o.name; delete(o.name);
  o.attributes.subtitle=o.attributes.Email; delete(o.attributes.Email);
let result=structuredClone(resArr);

CodePudding user response:

You can use the recursive function that I created. This function is taking in an object that looks like sample_obj and then recreates the resArr where name is title and email is subtitle. Take a look:

function recursive_fix(obj) {
  const sample_obj = {
    user_id: obj.user_id,
    title: obj.name,
    custom_id: obj.custom_id,
    attributes: {subtitle: obj.attributes.Email, Role: obj.attributes.Role},
    children: []
  // only adding recursive if the children array is not empty
  if (obj.children.length !== 0) {
    obj.children.forEach((childz) => {
      sample_obj.children.push({children: [recursive_fix(childz)]})

  return sample_obj

const newUpdatedList = [];
resArr.forEach((res) => {

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