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Question on exponential function and random variable


I am trying to understand the following code. Could someone explain what each step essentially means? (especially the 1st, 2nd and 4th line of code)

X = stats.expon(scale=10)
xs = X.rvs(100000)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))
plt.hist(xs, bins=100, color="navy")
plt.xlim(0, 80);

This was a sample code from a data science course and I am trying to understand the syntax.

CodePudding user response:

This code is using the expon() function from the stats module in the Python library scipy to generate random samples from an exponential distribution with a scale parameter of 10. The expon() function returns an object representing the exponential distribution, which can then be used to generate random samples using the rvs() method.

The first line of code, X = stats.expon(scale=10), creates an exponential distribution object with a scale parameter of 10 and assigns it to the variable X.

The second line, xs = X.rvs(100000), generates 100000 random samples from the exponential distribution represented by X and assigns them to the variable xs.

The last two lines use the plt.hist() and plt.xlim() functions from the matplotlib library to create a histogram of the generated samples and set the x-axis limits to 0 and 80, respectively. These lines create a figure with a size of 10 x 4 inches and plot the samples from the xs variable in a histogram with 100 bins.

You should see something like this (representing exponential distribution)

enter image description here

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