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MongoTemplate automatic injection failure


In the idea of using gradle created a mongo's demo, in the process of start an error prompt MongoTemplate injection failed, how to solve this problem?
1. Build. Gradle below
 plugins {
Org. Springframework. Id 'boot' version '2.2.6. RELEASE'
Id 'IO. Spring. The dependency - management' version '1.0.9. RELEASE'
Id 'Java'

Group='com. Example:'
Version='0.0.1 - the SNAPSHOT'

Configurations {
RuntimeClasspath {
ExtendsFrom developmentOnly
CompileOnly {
ExtendsFrom annotationProcessor

Repositories {
MavenCentral ()

Dependencies {
Implementation 'org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot - starter - web'
Implementation 'org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot - starter - data - directing a'
CompileOnly 'org. Projectlombok: lombok'
AnnotationProcessor 'org. Projectlombok: lombok'

TestImplementation (' org. Springframework. The boot: spring - the boot - starter - test ') {
Exclude group: 'org. Junit. Vintage, module:' junit - vintage - engine '
TestImplementation 'org. Springframework. Security: spring ws-security - test'

The test {
UseJUnitPlatform ()

2. The location error
 package com. Example. The demo. The controller; 

The import com. Example. Demo. Model. The request. The User;
The import com. Example. Demo. Model. The response. The Result;
The import org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. The annotation. Autowired;
The import org. Springframework. Data. The mongo. Core. MongoTemplate;
The import org. Springframework. Web. Bind. The annotation. PostMapping;
The import org. Springframework. Web. Bind. The annotation. RequestBody;
The import org. Springframework. Web. Bind. The annotation. RestController;

@ RestController
Public class UserController {

The @autowired
Private MongoTemplate MongoTemplate;

@ PostMapping ("/createUser ")
Public Result createUser (@ RequestBody User User) throws the Exception {
MongoTemplate. Save (user);
Result the Result=new Result (" success ");
return result;

3. An error below

Field mongoTemplate in com. Example. Demo. Controller. The UserController required a bean of type 'org. Springframework. Data. The mongo. Core. MongoTemplate' that could not be found.

The injection point has The following annotations:
- the @ org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. The annotation. Autowired (required=true)

The following candidates were found but could not be injected:
- Bean method 'mongoTemplate' 'MongoDbFactoryDependentConfiguration' not in the loaded because @ ConditionalOnBean (types: org. Springframework. Data. The mongo. MongoDbFactory; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans of type org. Springframework. Data. The mongo. MongoDbFactory


Consider revisiting the entries above or defining a bean of type 'org. Springframework. Data. The mongo. Core. MongoTemplate' in your configuration.
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