I'm trying to create a function for the following:
Given a list of strings
["abceadfapaq"; "asdqwedasca"; " "; "asdasqyhgahfgasdsadasda"]
and a string separator " "
returns another list with sublists splitted on the desired separator.
[["abceadfapaq"; "asdqwedasca"]; ["asdasqyhgahfgasdsadasda"]]
I've implemented two functions to achieve this, one of them failing because it cannot handle the separator to be an empty space " "
let groupWithNoReplace (inputLines: string list) (separator: string) =
let complete =
seq {
for line in inputLines do
yield! line.Split(' ')
} |> List.ofSeq
let folder (a) (cur, acc) =
match a with
| _ when a <> separator -> a::cur, acc
| _ -> [], cur::acc
let result = List.foldBack folder (complete) ([], [])
(fst result)::(snd result)
let groupWithNoReplace0 =
groupWithNoReplace ["abceadfapaq"; "asdqwedasca"; " "; "asdasqyhgahfgasdsadasda"] " "
val groupWithNoReplace0: string list list =
[["abceadfapaq"; "asdqwedasca"; ""; ""; "asdasqyhgahfgasdsadasda"]]
let groupWithNoReplace00 =
groupWithNoReplace ["abceadfapaq"; "asdqwedasca"; "="; "asdasqyhgahfgasdsadasda"] "="
val groupWithNoReplace00: string list list =
[["abceadfapaq"; "asdqwedasca"]; ["asdasqyhgahfgasdsadasda"]]
So the second function is the same but replacing the empty space with a symbol I don't think it would appear in the input "§"
I don't like this solution as I don't want to force the input to fullfil specific requeriments based on my implementation.
Working with replace
let groupWithNoReplace (inputLines: string list) (separator: string) =
let validlines = inputLines |> List.map(fun e -> if e = " " then "§" else e)
let validsplitter =
match separator = " " with
| true -> "§"
| false -> separator
let complete =
seq {
for line in validlines do
yield! line.Split(' ')
} |> List.ofSeq
let folder (a) (cur, acc) =
match a with
| _ when a <> validsplitter -> a::cur, acc
| _ -> [], cur::acc
let result = List.foldBack folder (complete) ([], [])
(fst result)::(snd result)
let groupWithNoReplace1 =
["abceadfapaq"; "asdqwedasca"; " "; "asdasqyhgahfgasdsadasda"] " "
val groupWithNoReplace1: string list list =
[["abceadfapaq"; "asdqwedasca"]; ["asdasqyhgahfgasdsadasda"]]
let groupWithNoReplace11 =
groupWithNoReplace ["abceadfapaq"; "asdqwedasca"; "="; "asdasqyhgahfgasdsadasda"] "="
val groupWithNoReplace11: string list list =
[["abceadfapaq"; "asdqwedasca"]; ["asdasqyhgahfgasdsadasda"]]
CodePudding user response:
this should work:
let splitWhen predicate list =
let folder state t =
if predicate t then
[] :: state
(t :: state.Head) :: state. Tail
|> List.fold folder [ [] ]
|> List.map List.rev
|> List.rev