I have read previous questions but there is not exact answer pointing my questions directly. My code is below:
public class CityServiceImpl implements CityService {
private final CityRepository cityRepo;
private final CityMapper cityMapper;
public CityDto findById(Integer id) {
City city = cityRepo.findById(id)
.orElseThrow(() -> new NotFoundException(NotFoundException.Domain.CITY));
return CityMapper.INSTANCE.cityToCityDto(city);
My test class is as below:
public class CityServiceTest {
CityRepository cityRepository;
CityMapper cityMapper;
CityServiceImpl cityService;
City city;
public void init() {
city = new City();
void findById_Success() {
Integer given = 1;
CityDto expected = new CityDto();
CityDto actual = cityService.findById(given);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
I got an error pointing to this line
Unnecessary stubbings detected. Clean & maintainable test code requires zero unnecessary code. Following stubbings are unnecessary
I got an aswer that when i use lenient.when(cityMapper.cityToCityDto(city)).thenReturn(expected);
or annotation of lenient works fine. But what is the logic behind it.
Why lenient solves Unneccessary Stubbing exception in given example?
CodePudding user response:
The real dependency is CityMapper cityMapper. In findById_Success you are calling
But, if you see the real method is not calling that . Instead
has been used. Change any of them, it should work
CodePudding user response:
It looks like your mocked cityMapper
is never being used, that’s why you see the exception.
Replace CityMapper.INSTANCE
with cityMapper
in the findById
method and the UnnecessaryStubbingException
should go away. If your code still does what it should, however, I cannot decide from what I see.