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Test methods to what is in it? Equivalence class division, boundary value, cause and effect diagram


Software testing according to the method of inside strategy divides the black box of white box testing with the grey box testing, manual testing and automatic testing, static testing and dynamic testing, smoke test and regression testing and acceptance testing, testing is divided into the five common types,

What is the equivalence class division?

Description of knowledge: the equivalence class is divided into all possible input data, the main input program is divided into several parts, choose has the representative data from each part as a way of test case design methods,

That when designing test cases, also want to consider effective equivalence class and invalid equivalence class, is for the input data and output data whether it makes sense and nonsense,

Effective equivalence class: for program design specifications to determine whether reasonable, means the meaningful input of data collection,

Invalid equivalence class: for programming to determine the specifications are unreasonable, means the meaningless or data collection consisting of input conditions,

Can take the crow drink water case to explanation:

The crow drink water is divided into two cases:

One is to drink the cup of water, delivering stone, iron, and must be considered effective equivalence class has weight,

Second, could not drink of the water into the cup, delivering cotton, no weight is invalid equivalence class,

In the use of the equivalence class partition design you have those methods can help to test cases, you can according to the interval, differentiate according to the restrictive conditions, according to the value judgment, divided according to the processing mode,

Boundary value analysis method is what?

Boundary meaning: in the process of test, may be a lot of errors is not within the input range, generally occur at the boundaries of the input and output range, that is to say, boundary value analysis method to select exactly equal or just greater than and less than the value as the test data,

Boundary value analysis principle: if the input conditions stipulate the scope of the selected value, it must be just in the scope of the boundary value as a test input data,

For example: the range of the input value is "1 ~ 9", "1", "9", "0.9", "9.1" is desirable test input data,

Boundary value analysis is the introduction of the finish feel and equivalence class partition a bit the same!

Actually, boundary value analysis is derived by equivalence class division, boundary value analysis in all testing can be used,

What is the cause and effect diagram method?

Causal graph definition: refers to from the procedures described in the specifications to find "for" and "fruit", in the figure to be converted into decision table, so what is the cause and effect, conditions for refers to input, fruit refers to the output condition and the state of the program change to illustrate,

Main purpose is to apply to different condition combination state of corresponding to different results to design test cases, according to each column in the decision table as a basis to design test cases, when the decision on the condition of considering the relationship between the input and output conditions by using the method of cause and effect diagram

What is the scenario method?

Scenario method the basic idea: when the event is triggered when line into the scene, refers to the use scenario to description of system functions and business processes, so as to improve test efficiency,

Such as: bank to withdraw money, online shopping and so on, the APP

What is a method of error guessing?

Error guessing method concept: according to intuitive speculation and experience refers to list all possible errors in program and prone to errors,

Several common error guessing

The first kind of circumstance: for the digital input validation, like a null value, the character, not the Arabic numeral, the critical value, etc.,

The second case: for input validation date format, date format, a null value, contains other characters,

The third kind of situations: repeat login to submit forms authentication, in the case when you log in by constraints, and validation of the characters, if one has been successfully logged in to submit records, after the browser back to repeat submit, system will have to respond, will do,

That is inside the test method of commonly used to hurry up with it!

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