I am working on MS Teams development. I installed the MS Teams toolkit in VS Code, set up my subscription with Azure and sideloading is active in my tenant.
When I run the app, it tries to install ngrok. This step fails as my organization does not allow running ngrok or other words tunnelling from our company laptop. We can run this on a VM to go around this but VM is not always available.
I am looking for a resolution for below scenarios:
- Is there a way to debug MS Teams application without ngrok?
- If we need a https URL, is it possible to configure a web app to facilitate that?
I tried removing install ngrok step from: /.vscode/tasks.json, but there are subsequent steps it the file dependent on that
CodePudding user response:
- use mkcert to generate a certificate for ex. localhost.test
- add losthost.test to your host file
- use https://localhost.test for debugging
CodePudding user response:
yes this is a very big problem when it comes to teams development. MS makes this mandatory but organization is definitely not allowing to use this piece of software. My question is
- why MS needs to have this software as part of the precheck dependency and mandated in VS Code version 1.73.1?
- Even if I follow the steps of @tauzN mentioned how can I start the debugging as it is not allowing when the precheck fails?