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Two pipelines for single filebeat input | ELK version (6.5.4)


I am trying to create multiple pipelines first-pipeline and second-pipeline in logstash listening to beats events from the same port but getting an error saying the address in use for the second pipeline and the reason why I am using two pipelines is that I want pipeline.workers: 1 only for selected indexes in which sequence of log matters. ERROR:


Plugin: <LogStash::Inputs::Beats host=>"", port=>5044, 
enable_metric=>true, codec=><LogStash::Codecs::Plain id=>"plain_4d22b75f-e478-4fbc- 
b5fe-27ae02ac486b", enable_metric=>true, charset=>"UTF-8">, ssl=>false, 
add_hostname=>true, ssl_verify_mode=>"none", ssl_peer_metadata=>false, 
include_codec_tag=>true, ssl_handshake_timeout=>10000, tls_min_version=>1, 
tls_max_version=>1.2, cipher_suites=>["TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", 
"TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256"], client_inactivity_timeout=>60, 
Error: Address already in use
Exception: Java::JavaNet::BindException
    Stack: sun.nio.ch.Net.bind0(Native Method)


- pipeline.id: first-pipeline
      path.config: "/Users/gyrao/Documents/ELK/logstash-6.5.4/config/pipelines/api-address.config"
      pipeline.batch.size: 1

- pipeline.id: second-pipeline
      path.config: "/Users/gyrao/Documents/ELK/logstash-6.5.4/config/pipelines/my-config.config"
      pipeline.workers: 1
      pipeline.batch.size: 1
      queue.type: persisted
      path.queue: "/Users/gyrao/Documents/ELK/logstash-6.5.4/config/queue"


input {
    beats {
        host => ""
        port => 5044
filter {

output {



input {
    beats {
        host => ""
        port => 5044
filter {

output {


CodePudding user response:

You can not have two inputs with the same port, but you can use a distributor pattern to receive everything in one input, and then sending to a different pipeline with the configuration you need.

So you can have:


input {
    beats {
        host => ""
        port => 5044
filter {
output {
    if([someField] === "some_value") {
        pipeline {
            send_to => first_pipeline
    else {
        pipeline {
            send_to => second_pipeline


Then individual pipelines should look like this:

input {
    pipeline {
        address => first_pipeline


And your pipelines file:

- pipeline.id: master-pipeline
      path.config: "/Users/gyrao/Documents/ELK/logstash-6.5.4/config/pipelines/master-pipeline.config"
      pipeline.batch.size: 1
- pipeline.id: first-pipeline
      path.config: "/Users/gyrao/Documents/ELK/logstash-6.5.4/config/pipelines/api-address.config"
      pipeline.batch.size: 1
- pipeline.id: second-pipeline
      path.config: "/Users/gyrao/Documents/ELK/logstash-6.5.4/config/pipelines/my-config.config"
      pipeline.workers: 1
      pipeline.batch.size: 1
      queue.type: persisted
      path.queue: "/Users/gyrao/Documents/ELK/logstash-6.5.4/config/queue"

Read more here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/pipeline-to-pipeline.html#distributor-pattern

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