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How can I change the background color of a radio button's "circle" by CSS?


I'm developing an electron app using the react, and I must implement the radio button following the below prototype image. As you can see, I'd like to change the background color (the color code is rgba(255,252,229,1)) of a radio button's "circle" by CSS. I googled about this, however, I couldn't find the answer...

enter image description here

The similar questions were changing the border and "checked" circle in a radio button.

  • enter image description here

    ===> "Checked" circle, not background circle, was changed

    CodePudding user response:

    Use css accent-color

    input {
      accent-color: auto;
      display: block;
      width: 33px;
      height: 33px;
    input.custom {
      accent-color: green;
    <label> My Custom radio
    <input type="radio"  />

    Any further customisations would require building your own radio input.

    CodePudding user response:

    With CSS accent-color property you can only change the color of radio buttons. For your requirement you might need to restyle the radio buttons and this can be done using appearance: none property.

    By using appearance: none, we can remove all browser styling from the radio button. Now, we can then use other CSS properties like background, border etc. to create our own custom radio buttons. The :checked CSS selector can be used to style the radio button in a "checked" state.

    Browser Compatibility: supported by all browsers

    .input-group label{
      font-size: 2.8rem;  
      appearance: none;
      width: 33px;
      height: 33px;
      border-radius: 50%;
      background-clip: content-box;
      border: 2px solid rgba(255,252,229,1);
      background-color: rgba(255,252,229,1);
    input[type="radio"]:checked {
      background-color: #000;
      padding: 4px;
      border: 2px solid #000;
    <div >
      <label><input name="gender" type="radio" checked />Male</label>
    <div >
      <label><input name="gender" type="radio" />Female</label>

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