.model small
.stack 0100H
col db 0CH
row db 28H
main proc
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov ax, 0003H
int 10H
call start2
Call cls
Mov cx, 0079H
A: Call disp
call get
push cx
call dlay
call cls
pop cx
loop a
call finish
main endp
start2 proc
mov ah, 02h
mov bx, 0000h
mov dx, 0c28h
int 10h
mov ah, 02h
mov dx, 0b2h
int 21H
start2 endp
disp proc
mov ah, 02h
mov bx, 0000h
mov dh, col
mov dl, row
int 10h
disp endp
get proc
mov ah, 07H
int 21h
mov bl, al
cmp al, 'a'
je Left
cmp al, 'd'
je Right
cmp al, 'w'
je Up
cmp al, 's'
je Down
cmp al, 'q'
je stop
get endp
cls proc
mov ax, 0600h
mov bx, 0700h
mov cx, 0000h
mov dx, 2479H
int 10h
cls endp
dlay proc
mov cx, 0100H
X: PUSH cx
mov cx, 0FFFFH
Y: Loop Y
pop cx
loop x
dlay endp
Left: Dec DL
mov col, DL
jmp cont
Right: Inc DL
Mov col, DL
jmp cont
Up: Dec DH
Mov row, DH
jmp cont
Down: Inc DH
Mov row, DH
jmp cont
finish proc
stop: mov ax, 4c00H
int 21H
finish endp
So im trying to make a code that moves the a character left, right, up, and down and continuously until w,a,s, or d key is pressed or hits the border of the screen (not yet implemented) with a blinking effect from the clear screen but the problem is the moment i press either wasd the program crashes, it works if i press q to terminate the program but other than that it crashes the moment any w,a,s, or d key is pressed.
What am i doing wrong is it the order of the calls or the procs themselves. '
CodePudding user response:
col db 0CH row db 28H
These values are to be reversed. Column at 40 and Row at 12.
mov dh, col mov dl, row
These registers don't match the names. DL is Column and DH is Row.
mov dx, 2479H
This value is taking decimals for hexadecimals. The bottomright corner of the screen is at (79,24) or (4Fh,18h) or mov dx, 184Fh
The Left, Right, Up, and Down codes are using DL and DH registers that have been clobbered by the passage through disp.
The start2 and cls procedures are missing the ret
instruction. I don't think endp
does that for you.
The start2 procedure is totally redundant. You don't need it at the very beginning at all, due to the call cls
that immediately follows.
It's irregular to jump out of a proc like you do in get and then to jump into a proc like you do in disp (at the label cont). Next is a better get procedure. Use it with modifying the main loop to read ... call disp
call get
call disp
get proc
mov ah, 07h
int 21h
cmp al, 'a'
je Left
cmp al, 'd'
je Right
cmp al, 'w'
je Up
cmp al, 's'
je Down
cmp al, 'q'
je stop
dec col
inc col
dec row
inc row
get endp
CodePudding user response:
I think you migh want the cont
label to be moved there:
get proc
mov ah, 07H
int 21h
mov bl, al
cmp al, 'a'
je Left
cmp al, 'd'
je Right
cmp al, 'w'
je Up
cmp al, 's'
je Down
cmp al, 'q'
je stop
cont: ret
So that the function call resumes cleanly from just before it jumped to the key-specific case handle.