I am new in powerBI, I loonking to display data in during a closing period and in my case it is from :
31/12/Y-1 to 31/12/Y my issue it is with slicer the year filter all date in the current year and not taking into account the value in 31/12/Y-1
How can I set PowerBI to do so,
thanks for your support
Display Sum of data in a defined period 31/12/Y-1 till 31/12/Y, user can select the period that they want to display and the data will update via PowerBI
Slicer below :
CodePudding user response:
Use this calculated column
Closing Period =
VAR thisYear = YEAR(TODAY())
VAR startDate = DATE(thisYear -1 , 12, 31)
VAR endDate = DATE(thisYear, 12, 31)
IF(startDate <= 'Date'[Date] && 'Date'[Date] <= endDate, thisYear)
and filter the 'Date'[Closing Period] column on the current year.
CodePudding user response:
You can use a new calculated column for the slicer in your case:
Filter_date = DATEADD ( 'Date Table'[date].[Date], 1, DAY )