Home > database >  How can i determine which y-axis is on the right and left in this dual axis bar chart?
How can i determine which y-axis is on the right and left in this dual axis bar chart?


im currently trying to plot some bar charts where there are two values for each groups. As the values are far from each other i've made two axis.

However, i would like the "Accumulated RFU" y-axis to be on top instead of "Accumulated OD600", but so far it's on the bottom.

enter image description here

My script looks like this for the plot:
ggplot(mean_sum_long, aes(x = Nitrogen_Source, y = value, fill = name))  
    name = "Accumulated RFU",
    sec.axis = sec_axis(~./coeff, name="Accumulated OD600")) 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("green", "tomato")) 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, vjust = 0.5)) 

coeff being 5000.


structure(list(Nitrogen_Source = structure(c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 
3L, 3L), levels = c("Negative Control", "N-Phthaloyl-LGlutamic Acid", 
"D,L-α-AminoCaprylic Acid", "α-Amino-NValeric Acid", "L-Tryptophan", 
"Methylamine", "L-Cysteine", "Gly-Met", "Ethylenediamine", "Ala-His", 
"L-Tyrosine", "Ala-Leu", "Formamide", "D-Lysine", "D-Galactosamine", 
"Nitrate", "L-Histidine", "N-Acetyl-DMannosamine", "Ethylamine", 
"D-Mannosamine", "Histamine", "N-Acetyl-DGalactosamine", "Biuret", 
"D,L-Lactamide", "N-Acetyl-LGlutamic Acid", "Parabanic Acid", 
"Met-Ala", "L-Pyroglutamic Acid", "ß-Phenylethylamine", "Glucuronamide", 
"D-Glucosamine", "L-Glutamic Acid", "L-Glutamine", "Thymidine", 
"L-Isoleucine", "Xanthine", "Nitrite", "Ala-Asp", "Uridine", 
"ε-Amino-NCaproic Acid", "L-Citrulline", "D-Alanine", "Thymine", 
"L-Phenylalanine", "Ala-Glu", "Uric Acid", "γ-Amino-NButyric Acid", 
"Ammonia", "L-Aspartic Acid", "D-Aspartic Acid", "δ-Amino-NValeric Acid", 
"Ethanolamine", "L-Threonine", "Putrescine", "L-Methionine", 
"Allantoin", "L-Ornithine", "Ala-Thr", "Ala-Gln", "Cytosine", 
"Ala-Gly", "Agmatine", "L-Asparagine", "Inosine", "Guanosine", 
"Glycine", "N-Acetyl-DGlucosamine", "Adenosine", "Xanthosine", 
"L-Leucine", "Uracil", "L-Serine", "L-Homoserine", "Gly-Gln", 
"L-Proline", "L-Alanine", "Gly-Asn", "Urea", "Cytidine", "D-Glutamic Acid", 
"L-Arginine", "Gly-Glu", "Adenine"), class = "factor"), name = c("gfp_mean", 
"od_mean", "gfp_mean", "od_mean", "gfp_mean", "od_mean"), value = c(74851.5, 
41.29, 75282.5, 29.6650000000001, 76050, 58.755)), row.names = c(NA, 
-6L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

CodePudding user response:

To achieve your desired result you have to use the reverse transformation, transform your gfp_mean values and of course switch the transformation for the secondary axis as well as the names.

Note: At least for the provided example data a coeff of 1250 seems more appropriate.


coeff <- 1250

ggplot(mean_sum_long, aes(x = Nitrogen_Source, y = ifelse(name == "gfp_mean", value / coeff, value), fill = name))  
  geom_col(position = "dodge", alpha = 0.8)  
    name = "Accumulated OD600",
    sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . * coeff, name = "Accumulated RFU")
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("green", "tomato"))  
  theme(axis.text.x.top = element_text(angle = 30, vjust = 0, hjust = 0))  

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

I'd also suggest swapping the axes, which you can do since the 2020 update to ggplot (v2.2 I think).

  dplyr:: mutate(val_adj = value / if_else(name == "gfp_mean", 2000, 1)) |>

  ggplot( aes(x = val_adj, y = Nitrogen_Source, fill = name))  
    name="Accumulated OD600",
    sec.axis = sec_axis(~.*2000, 
                        name = "Accumulated RFU",)) 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("green", "tomato")) 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, vjust = 0.5))

enter image description here

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