Home > database >  1, how to read in the UDF Hive table data, this can be done?
1, how to read in the UDF Hive table data, this can be done?


Package com. Inspur. Udf;

import java.io.IOException;
Import the Java. SQL. Connection;
Import the Java. SQL. DriverManager;
Import of Java, SQL PreparedStatement;
Import the Java. SQL. The ResultSet;

Import org, apache hadoop. Conf. Configuration;
Import org, apache hadoop. Security. UserGroupInformation;

Public class start_prior {

Public static String the evaluate (String table, a String column, String column_sj, String para) throws ClassNotFoundException {
Boolean check_re=true;
The StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder ();
The StringBuilder sb_tmp=new StringBuilder ();
Sb. Append (para);

String driverName="org. Apache. Hive. JDBC. HiveDriver";
The String url="JDBC: hive2://; principal=hive/[email protected] ";

Configuration conf=new Configuration();
The conf. Set (" hadoop. Security. Authentication ", "Kerberos");

Try {
System. SetProperty (" Java. Security. Krb5. Conf ", "D: \ \ workspace \ \ UDF - MD5 \ \ SRC \ \ the main \ \ kerberos \ \ krb5 conf");
UserGroupInformation. SetConfiguration (conf);
hive/[email protected] UserGroupInformation. LoginUserFromKeytab (" ", "D: \ \ workspace \ \ UDF - MD5 \ \ SRC \ \ the main \ \ kerberos \ \ hive service. Keytab");
} the catch (IOException e) {

Try {
Class.forname (driverName);
The Connection conn=DriverManager. GetConnection (url);
PreparedStatement STMT=null;
The ResultSet ResultSet=null;

Do {
String SQL="select" + column + "from" + "where" + + table column_sj + "in (para" + + ") ";
System. The out. Println (SQL);
STMT=conn. PrepareStatement (SQL);
The resultSet=STMT. ExecuteQuery ();

If (a resultSet. Next ()) {
Do {
Sb_tmp. Append (resultSet. Get string (1) + ", ");
Sb. Append (", "+ resultSet. Get string (1));
} while (resultSet. Next ());
Para.=sb_tmp deleteCharAt (sb_tmp length () - 1). The toString ();
Sb_tmp. Delete (0, sb_tmp. Length ());
} else {

} while (check_re);

The resultSet. Close ();
} the catch (Exception e) {
Return sb. ToString ();