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Golang GORM data retrieve for many to many relationship with join table


I'm using golang 1.19 and ORM as GORM. I need to retrieve products using category id. Products table and categories table bind with many to many relationship. So 3rd table is product_categories.

What I need to do is when get request come with category id, I need to retrieve products with that category id.

Look below for model structer,

// Product model
// Categories many2many:product_categories

type Product struct {
    ID               uint           `gorm:"primarykey" json:"id"`
    Slug             string         `gorm:"unique;size:255;" json:"slug"`
    Title            string         `gorm:"size:255;not null" json:"title"`
    Code             string         `gorm:"size:255;not null" json:"code"`
    BrandID          uint           `json:"-"`
    Brand            Brand          `json:"brand"`
    ShortDescription string         `gorm:"not null" json:"short_description"`
    Description      string         `json:"description"`
    Price            uint           `gorm:"not null" json:"price"`
    Quantity         uint           `json:"qnt"`
    DiscountPrice    uint           `json:"discount_price"`
    Categories       []Category     `gorm:"many2many:product_categories;" json:"categories"`
    Attributes       []Attribute    `json:"attributes"`
    ProductImages    []ProductImage `json:"product_images"`
    CreatedAt        time.Time      `json:"-"`
    UpdatedAt        time.Time      `json:"-"`
// Category model
// Products many2many:product_categories

type Category struct {
    ID        uint      `gorm:"primarykey" json:"id"`
    Name      string    `gorm:"size:255;not null" json:"name"`
    Icon      string    `gorm:"size:255;not null" json:"icon"`
    Image     string    `gorm:"size:255;not null" json:"image"`
    Weight    int32     `gorm:"AUTO_INCREMENT" json:"weight"`
    Products  []Product `gorm:"many2many:product_categories;" json:"products"`
    CreatedAt time.Time `json:"-"`
    UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"-"`

// ProductCategory Model
// This table auto generate with gorm

type ProductCategory struct {
    CategoryID int  `gorm:"primaryKey" json:"-"`
    ProductID  uint `gorm:"primaryKey" json:"-"`

I'm using alternative way to do the trick. It works fine but I think it's not the best way to do it when it comes to many to many. I firstly retrieve ProductCategory then loop it and get product id then add it to slice and after retrieve products using those product id's.

Look below for my codes,

func (q *Queries) GetProductsbyCat(id uint) ([]models.Product, error) {
    // Define products variable and product_cat variable
    products := []models.Product{}
    product_cats := []models.ProductCategory{}

    // Retrieve product_cat and assigned to variable
    err := q.Model(&product_cats).Limit(10).Find(&product_cats, "category_id = ?", id).Error
    if err != nil {
        // Return empty object and error.
        return nil, err

    // define products ids slice
    productIds := []int{}
    // loop product cats and append product id's to productids variable
    for _, v := range product_cats {
        productIds = append(productIds, int(v.ProductID))

    // Retrieve products
    err = q.Model(&products).Order("id desc").Preload("ProductImages").Find(&products, productIds).Error
    if err != nil {
        // Return empty object and error.
        return nil, err

    return products, nil

What's the best way to get products for my scenario using many to many relationship with GORM?

CodePudding user response:

I am not able to validate, as I don't have a setup for this, but based on https://gorm.io/docs/many_to_many.html and the idea of preloading, you should be able to create a category entity with the required ID, then preload products on that category, something like:

category := models.Category{ID: id}
err := q.Model(&Category{}).Preload("Products").Find(category)

As far as I understand, this tells GORM to populate the "Products" array for the wanted category.

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