I have an Employee
class that contain four fields: id, name, department, and email. I have created five objects, set the values and added all of them to a list.
Now, I want to convert that list to map but I am not able to. For your reference, here is the code that I tried
Employee emp1 = new Employee("1", "Mayank", "HR", "[email protected]");
Employee emp2 = new Employee("2", "Mahesh", "Trainer", "[email protected]");
Employee emp3 = new Employee("3", "Vipul", "SEO", "[email protected]");
Employee emp4 = new Employee("4", "Ajay", "Devlopwr", "[email protected]");
Employee emp5 = new Employee("5", "Rakesh", "Marketing", "[email protected]");
//add class object to list
List < Employee > listWmp = new ArrayList < > ();
listWmp.add(0, emp1);
listWmp.add(1, emp2);
listWmp.add(2, emp3);
listWmp.add(3, emp4);
listWmp.add(4, emp5);
System.out.println("list elements are : " listWmp);
//convert the list into map
Map < String, Employee > listMap = new HashMap < > ();
for (Employee employee: listWmp) {
listMap.put(employee.getEmpId(), employee.getEmpBame());
How do I convert the list to a map?
CodePudding user response:
The best way is to use a Stream and then collect the employee:
Map<String, Employee> listMap = listWmp.stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Employee::getEmpId, employee -> employee));
Or if you don't want to use Java Stream API you have to change your code to:
listMap.put(employee.getEmpId(), employee);
CodePudding user response:
is an object that maps keys to values.
Your Map
is defined as Map<String, Employee>
. So it maps a String
to an Employee
When you try to execute :
listMap.put(employee.getEmpId(), employee.getEmpBame());
It fails because the second parameter is supposed to be an instance of Employee
but employee.getEmpBame()
returns a String
You should replace it with :
listMap.put(employee.getEmpId(), employee);
CodePudding user response:
You should/may do like this:
Employee emp1 = new Employee("1","Mayank","HR","[email protected]");
Employee emp2 = new Employee("2","Mahesh","Trainer","[email protected]");
Employee emp3 = new Employee("3","Vipul","SEO","[email protected]");
Employee emp4 = new Employee("4","Ajay","Devlopwr","[email protected]");
Employee emp5 = new Employee("5","Rakesh","Marketing","[email protected]");
List<Employee> listWmp = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Employee> listMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Employee employee : listWmp) {
listMap.put(employee.getEmpId(), employee);
CodePudding user response:
Hard-code a Map
As commented, in your particular example you could simply hard-code a Map
rather than hard-code a List
Employee emp1 = new Employee("1", "Mayank", "HR", "[email protected]");
Employee emp2 = new Employee("2", "Mahesh", "Trainer", "[email protected]");
Employee emp3 = new Employee("3", "Vipul", "SEO", "[email protected]");
Employee emp4 = new Employee("4", "Ajay", "Devlopwr", "[email protected]");
Employee emp5 = new Employee("5", "Rakesh", "Marketing", "[email protected]");
Map < String , Employee > mapEmpIdToEmp = new HashMap < > ();
mapEmpIdToEmp.put( emp1.id() , emp1 );
mapEmpIdToEmp.put( emp2.id() , emp2 );
mapEmpIdToEmp.put( emp3.id() , emp3 );
mapEmpIdToEmp.put( emp4.id() , emp4 );
mapEmpIdToEmp.put( emp5.id() , emp5 );
The Map.of
method in modern Java makes literal map instantiation quite easy and readable. The resulting Map
is unmodifiable.
Map < String , Employee > mapEmpIdToEmp =
emp1.id() , emp1 , // key , value
emp2.id() , emp2 ,
emp3.id() , emp3 ,
emp4.id() , emp4 ,
emp5.id() , emp5
Indeed, you could use List.of
for hard-coding those 5 new Employee
objects into an unmodifiable List
List< Employee > employees =
new Employee("1", "Mayank", "HR", "[email protected]") ,
new Employee("2", "Mahesh", "Trainer", "[email protected]") ,
new Employee("3", "Vipul", "SEO", "[email protected]") ,
new Employee("4", "Ajay", "Devlopwr", "[email protected]") ,
new Employee("5", "Rakesh", "Marketing", "[email protected]")
From that list, build your map.
Map < String , Employee > mapEmpIdToEmp = new HashMap < > ();
for( Employee employee : employees )
mapEmpIdToEmp.put( employee.id() , employee ) ;
If desired, call Map.copyOf
to make an unmodifiable map from elements of mapEmpIdToEmp