Home > database >  A great god can you help me to optimize my statement, I need this statement query out 5 minutes or s
A great god can you help me to optimize my statement, I need this statement query out 5 minutes or s


SELECT 'payment part as CLS,
STLCHK stlchkno,
STLCHK mkedat,
(select empdes from emp where empid=STLCHK. MKR) as MKR,
Gdsbuy srcbllno,
Round (sum (gdsbuy. Amt), 2) the as bivcdtl_amt,
Round (sum (gdsbuy. Patamt), 2) the as bivcdtl_patamt,
(select distinct '[' + rtrim (BLL. Bllid) +'] '+ blldes from the BLL the where the BLL. Bllid=gdsbuy. Bllid) as blldes,
Gdsbuy ctno,
(select openaccbnkr from PRV where prvid=STLCHK. Prvid) as the op,
(select actno from PRV where prvid=STLCHK. Prvid) as actno,
(select BNK from PRV where prvid=STLCHK. Prvid) as abnk,
(select dptid from DPT where dptid in (select savdptid from stkin where stkinno=gdsbuy. Srcbllno)) as fd,
(select the '[' + rtrim (prvid) +'] '+ prvdes from PRV where prvid=STLCHK. Prvid) as prvdes
The FROM ((STLCHK inner join STLBLL on STLCHK. Stlchkno=STLBLL. Stlchkno) inner join bivc on bivc. Bivcno=STLBLL. Lnkstlno) inner join gdsbuy on bivc. Bivcno=gdsbuy. Lnkivcno
WHERE STLCHK. Prvid like: as_prvid and
STLCHK. Mkedat>=: as_bdate and STLCHK. Mkedat<=: as_edate and STLCHK. MKR in (select empid from emp where dptid & lt;> '311') and
Gdsbuy. BSTLFLG='y'
STLCHK prvid,
STLCHK mkedat,
Gdsbuy bllid,
Gdsbuy srcbllno,
Gdsbuy. Ctno
The union
SELECT 'fees' as CLS,
STLCHK stlchkno,
STLCHK mkedat,
(select empdes from emp where empid=STLCHK. MKR) as MKR,
"' as srcbllno,
0 as bivcdtl_amt,
The sum (STLCHKDTL. Feeamt) as bivcdtl_patamt,
(select the '[' + rtrim (feeitm feeitmid) +'] '+ feeitm. Feeitmdes from feeitm where feeitm. Feeitmid=STLCHKDTL. Feeitmid) as blldes,
"' as ctno,
"' as the op,
"' as actno,
"' as abnk,
"' as fd,
"' as prvdes
WHERE STLCHK. Prvid like: as_prvid and STLCHKDTL stlchkno=STLCHK. Stlchkno and
STLCHK. Mkedat>=: as_bdate and STLCHK. Mkedat<=: as_edate and STLCHK. MKR in (select empid from emp where dptid & lt;> '311')
Group by STLCHK stlchkno,
STLCHK mkedat,
I really do not have what points... Thank you god!

CodePudding user response:

With the exists in the union with union all

CodePudding user response:

Thank you, I'll try for a while

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

reference 3 floor tomok response:

of complicatedHaha
is also need table structure

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor seven125 response:
change exists in the union with union all
~ more slowly

CodePudding user response:

First to deal with STLCHK table conditions then associated with other tables for
And then reduce the subquery use Left join instead

CodePudding user response:

For the where condition in field, the index