for /r "C:\Users\bui\Desktop\Annotation Traing Package\test1" %i in (*03.json) do copy "%i" "C:\Users\bui\Desktop\Annotation Traing Package\test2"
i want to copy all 03.json files from test1 to test2 but in test1 folder, there are subfolders, and in those subfolders also have 03.json files. With for loop i cant loop through subfolders and copy 03.json files in it, but i also want to copy those subfolders from test1 to test2 with those 03.jon files in it. is there possible way to do it?
i tried using xcopy to copy those subfolders first then use for loop but no use, bc they copy all files to "C:\Users\bui\Desktop\Annotation Traing Package\test2"
CodePudding user response:
try this.
@echo off
rem Set the source and destination directories
set source_directory = "C:\Users\bui\Desktop\Annotation Traing Package\test1"
set destination_directory = "C:\Users\bui\Desktop\Annotation Traing Package\test2"
rem Set the name of the file to search for
set filename = 03.json
rem Iterate through all the subfolders in the source directory
for /D %%A in (%source_directory%\*) do (
rem Check if the file exists in the current subfolder
if exist %source_directory%\%%A\%filename% (
rem Copy the file and the subfolder to the destination directory
xcopy %source_directory%\%%A