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Update nested JSON with name of json file name


I'm wondering if you could help me with filling jsons with their original filenames. Here is a sample of json: jsv is a list of jsons (the first main key is number of document (document_0, document_1 ...)

jsv =


And inside of this json there is a key: source_filename which I want to update with real name of json file name

my folder with files as an example:


What I want to achieve:

jsv =

document_0 and document_1 are with the same filename

what I've managed to get:

dir_name = 'path_name'

from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(dir_name) if isfile(join(dir_name, f))]

only_files which is a list of filenames of my jsons. Now I was thinking to maybe update somehow my jsv with it in a loop? But I'm also looking for a method which will be very efficient due to large amount of data I have to process

EDIT: I've managed to do it with a for loop, but maybe there is more effective way:

for i in range(len(jsv)): if (type(jsv[i]) == dict):

    jsv[i]["document_0"].update({"source_filename": onlyfiles[i]})

CodePudding user response:

Certainly! I'd be happy to help you with filling JSONs with their original filenames. Here is some sample code that demonstrates how you could do this:

const jsv = [  {    "document_0": {      "key1": "value1",      "key2": "value2"    }  },  {    "document_1": {      "key1": "value1",      "key2": "value2"    }  }]

// Iterate through the array of JSON objects
for (let i = 0; i < jsv.length; i  ) {
  // Get the current JSON object
  const json = jsv[i];
  // Get the key of the JSON object (which will be the original filename)
  const key = Object.keys(json)[0];
  // Get the value of the JSON object (which will be the JSON itself)
  const value = json[key];
  // Add a new key-value pair to the JSON object with the original filename
  value.filename = key;


This code will iterate through the array of JSON objects in jsv, get the key (which will be the original filename) and the value (which will be the JSON itself) for each object, and add a new key-value pair to the JSON with the key "filename" and the value of the original filename.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

CodePudding user response:

If your jsv is:

jsv = [
        "document_0": {
            "id": 111,
            "laboratory": "xxx",
            "document_type": "xxx",
            "language": "pl",
            "creation_date": "09-12-2022",
            "source_filename": "None",
            "version": "0.1",
            "exams_ocr_avg_confidence": 0.0,
            "patient_data": {
                "first_name": "YYYY",
                "surname": "YYYY",
                "pesel": "12345678901",
                "birth_date": "1111-22-22",
                "sex": "F",
                "age": "None",
            "exams": [
                    "name": "xx",
                    "sampling_date": "2020-11-30",
                    "comment": "None",
                    "confidence": 97,
                    "result": "222",
                    "unit": "ml",
                    "norm": "None",
                    "material": "None",
                    "icd9": "uuuuu",
        "document_1": {
            "id": 111,
            "laboratory": "xxx",
            "document_type": "xxx",
            "language": "pl",
            "creation_date": "09-12-2022",
            "source_filename": "None",
            "version": "0.1",
            "exams_ocr_avg_confidence": 0.0,
            "patient_data": {
                "first_name": "YYYY",
                "surname": "YYYY",
                "pesel": "12345678901",
                "birth_date": "1111-22-22",
                "sex": "F",
                "age": "None",
            "exams": [
                    "name": "xx",
                    "sampling_date": "2020-11-30",
                    "comment": "None",
                    "confidence": 97,
                    "result": "222",
                    "unit": "ml",
                    "norm": "None",
                    "material": "None",
                    "icd9": "uuuuu",

In Python, you can do something like this:

arq = ['11111.pdf.json', '11112.pdf.json']

if len(arq) == len(jsv):
    for i, json in enumerate(jsv):
        for key in enumerate(json.keys()):
            json[key[1]]['source_filename'] = arq[i]

Need to check if the length of files list is the same of the jsv list!

result this jsv:

    "document_0": {
        "id": 111,
        "laboratory": "xxx",
        "document_type": "xxx",
        "language": "pl",
        "creation_date": "09-12-2022",
        "source_filename": "11111.pdf.json",
        "version": "0.1",
        "exams_ocr_avg_confidence": 0.0,
        "patient_data": {
            "first_name": "YYYY",
            "surname": "YYYY",
            "pesel": "12345678901",
            "birth_date": "1111-22-22",
            "sex": "F",
            "age": "None",
        "exams": [
                "name": "xx",
                "sampling_date": "2020-11-30",
                "comment": "None",
                "confidence": 97,
                "result": "222",
                "unit": "ml",
                "norm": "None",
                "material": "None",
                "icd9": "uuuuu",
    "document_1": {
        "id": 222,
        "laboratory": "xxx",
        "document_type": "xxx",
        "language": "pl",
        "creation_date": "09-12-2022",
        "source_filename": "11112.pdf.json",
        "version": "0.1",
        "exams_ocr_avg_confidence": 0.0,
        "patient_data": {
            "first_name": "YYYY",
            "surname": "YYYY",
            "pesel": "12345678901",
            "birth_date": "1111-22-22",
            "sex": "F",
            "age": "None",
        "exams": [
                "name": "xx",
                "sampling_date": "2020-11-30",
                "comment": "None",
                "confidence": 97,
                "result": "222",
                "unit": "ml",
                "norm": "None",
                "material": "None",
                "icd9": "uuuuu",


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