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Placing Annotations from multiple lists on one map


Let me preface this by saying I'm a complete newbie to Swift. I've been messing around with MapKit and am trying to add multiple annotations to a Map with different symbols representing each category of annotations.

To clarify, I have 2 arrays (list1 and list2). Both of these arrays contain Pin objects as defined below:

struct Pin: Identifiable{
        let id = UUID()
        let name: String
        let coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D

I want to add locations from both list1 and list2 on the map as annotations, but use different SF symbols to indicate which list the point was sourced from.

So far, I am able to display points from just one of the lists.

struct MapView: View {
    var body: some View {
        ZStack(alignment: .top){
            Map(coordinateRegion: $region, annotationItems: list1) {
                    MapAnnotation(coordinate: $0.coordinate){
                        Image(systemName: "house").foregroundColor(.blue)

To implement the different annotations I considered concatenating list1 and list2 but that wouldn't allow me to use different symbols for points from each list.

My end goal is to use toggle switches to show/hide annotations based on the state of the button.

How can I solve this? Thanks in advance.

CodePudding user response:

you could try this approach, where you concatenate list1 list2, and test the item is contained in one of the list (list1):

Map(coordinateRegion: $region, annotationItems: list1   list2) { item in
    MapAnnotation(coordinate: item.coordinate){
        if list1.contains(where: {$0.id == item.id}) {
            Image(systemName: "house").foregroundColor(.blue)// <-- here for list1
        } else {
            Image(systemName: "globe").foregroundColor(.red) // <-- here for list2
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