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The world's first full process cross-platform interface development suite - PowerUI analysis


One, the first full process cross-platform interface development suite, PowerUI officially released
UIPower in DirectUI, on the basis of independent research and development the world's first full process cross-platform interface development suite PowerUI (PUI) officially released, PowerUI will be released at the end of August 2016.
PowerUI cross-platform interface development suite contains a whole flow: the PUI UXDesigner user experience design tool, PS Builder visual design tools, PUI Builder visual interface development tools, PUI Control Creator visual controls development tools, PUI SDK support library interface development system,

Two, PowerUI, a small white can fast interface implementation tool
PowerUI interface to realize the whole process
1, the user research and interaction design phase:
PUI UX Designer user experience design tool
As the beginning of the user experience design development important link, PUI UX Designer to provide the product strategy and planning of software products, integrated the function of mature user research, such as: focus group analysis function, card analysis function, mind mapping analysis function, etc.,
At the same time the PUI UX Designer or user experience product prototype design tool, provides a number of product design interactive template, can be convenient to complete interactive prototype ideas and product design, and completely ignored "existing software controls can implement this scheme", bold ideas, from the perspective of users, design the completely accords with the interface interaction of user operation habit prototype,
Stage 2, visual design and cut figure:
PS Builder visual design tools
PSBuilder for Photoshop plug-in tool, blend in UIPower ten years of experience in visual design, user experience designers can be directly used to design templates and resources in the PS Builder to complete a set of interactive framework of visual design, all the design of the automatic visual design conforms to the user experience industry norms,
After the completion of the visual design tool can automatically cut export figure, export next stage using the interface of the skin, and other functions, can greatly enhance design efficiency,
3, the front-end interface development
(1) the PUI Control Creator visual controls development tool
PUIControl Creator provides full visual control development platform, and all controls can export controls of native code, realize to develop a control platform, operation
The PUI control repository with plenty of control at the same time, contains a number of industry control and a variety of control animation effects, greatly shorten the development cycle,
(2) the PUI Builder visual interface development tools
PUIBuilder provides a visual interface development methods, and support all interface visualization development platform, using a phase export cut figure, drag the stitching on the tool directly, automatic generation of software code project, the framework of the late add business processing logic part, the overall development of complete software,
PUIBuilder can preview the final software running effect, and the control response status of the final project configuration file can be generated and project source code, the business developer directly in business processing function is added to the tool to generate source code,
4, PUISDK interface development system support library
PUISDK provide multi-platform development kit, PowerUI can be deployed on any platform, including:
The PUI SDK for Windows PUI SDK for Linux
The PUI SDK forAndroid PUI SDK for iOS
The PUI SDK for MacOS PUI SDK for Web
The PUI SDK for Flex
Three, PowerUI feature depth profiling - product
1, high speed image rendering engine
Graphics engine adopts pure Virtual image device context for comprehensive support for all kinds of graphics rendering engine engine USES extensible application framework, using the interface and implementation of the thought of separation, Virtual RenderDC all kinds of images and text processing design into various interfaces, provides the flexibility of the interface implementation possible, real realize the polymorphism of the engine, if you want to support such as DirectX, such as OpenGL graphics engine, you just need to will interface implementation, realize the rendering engine support,
2, support for Windows, Linux, Android, MacOS operating system such as
PowerUI supports Windows, Linux, Android, MacOS and other mainstream operating system, at the same time, also for more comprehensive documentation provided by the operating system support,
3, low CPU and memory footprint
PowerUI used the Shared resources, dynamic compression using low frequency images, on-demand loaded, video buffer texture and so on independent research and development of patent technology, make full use of GPU strong parallel processing ability, also provides a set of memory optimization guide users, and prompt the user how to cut the image in the help for the smallest footprint and optimal performance,
4, script control development
PowerUI has high efficiency and highly configurable resource manager, support efficient plug-in architecture, all controls can use scripts to implement development, combined with the scripting language easy to understand, flexible, development speed and other characteristics, based on a scripting language is a set of controls; Can describe the control object in JSON script language and its attributes, and then describe the graphical user interface, and USES the efficient storage model of hierarchical format control configuration, greatly improving the efficiency of the graphical user interface development, reduce maintenance difficulty of the graphical user interface,
More than 5, visualization platform development tool PowerUI Builder
PowerUI Builder is a subversive innovation of DirectUIBuilder yourself, breakthrough the limitation of the platform, to achieve a real sense of the use of cross-platform, will work interface development from the original 90% to 90% to designer work programmers work, this shift also suggests that interface development work also has the original trival, invisible, not replication to low threshold, easy to build, visualization, reusability, PowerUI Builder to a part of the platform, so when there is a new special effects, new control, a new layout is created, don't need to modify its internal code, don't need to recompile, so when the user according to their own needs to create a new control after PowerUI Builder can automatically recognize the new controls, and like other controls platform provided by default to the use of visual,
6, support for multiple languages
PowerUI provide a multinational language functions, the user is added in the multilingual management window of some national languages can have appropriate language support, and each language text font can be set separately,
7, support for multiple control layout rules
PowerUI in visual development tool PowerUI Builder environment layout provides four categories: HorzLayout, VertLayout, GridLayout, DockLayout, users can according to your application needs to extend the new layout, use the system to provide several kinds of layout of controls, you can easily complete the layout of the various complex applications, such as layout is generally independent of program code, and gives the software development and maintenance of great convenience, PowerUI provides the interface and the method of laying out component.besides, a user can call the corresponding interface method for dynamic parameters such as the modification and application of
8, support the dynamic change skin
PowerUI adopts the model of random class management way, the theme of the used to control the images, text, color, size, and so on do change, also can to control the type of layout do random adjustment, PowerUI theme files, also known as the skin, extension SKN, users can program is running in the process of dynamic switching SKN file, so PowerUI can dynamically switch to the new interface work under the theme,
9, support style inheritance
PowerUI provides a set of control style inheritance system, using the object-oriented thought development, will inherit the style development, introduced concept, has realized from the text, pictures, color and so on cell level style inheritance, to control class level style inheritance; Subclass inherits the parent class of all styles, in the parent class style on the basis of the extension and modification, inheritance system reduces the complexity of the control set style extension, don't have to repeat to achieve the same function, greatly improve the development efficiency, flexible style will bring a better user experience to the user,
10, rich control library
PowerUI provides vast amounts of controls, covering the Windows, Linux, Android, MaxOS platform such as all kinds of commonly used controls; In addition to providing the most basic, the most traditional control, the basis of PowerUI based control based on the divergent type, subversive innovation, meet the new needs of various customers at the same time, also provides for the use of all walks of life set of various control, industrial control, control chart, media control, energy, environmental control manufacturing field control, finance, banking, insurance field control, information technology services control, control, the electronic commerce field in real estate, intermediary, property, field control electronics field control and so on, the rich set of controls, greatly improve the efficiency of the project and product development,
11, dynamic tonal change
PowerUI can support the same dynamic tonal transform function is similar to QQ, also support the local color transformation, the color of the text can be respectively dynamic transformation,
12, support Alpha blending
PowerUI absorb the essence of the game engine, provides a dynamic Alpha blend of 2 d image, the user can control the opacity of each primitive object, which can support a variety of flexible control effects and animation effects, PowerUI with MMX optimization AlphaBlend function instruction, multi-core CPU multi-thread synchronization mixing and dirty area local update mechanism to solve the problem of low efficiency of the original GDI functions, the technology at home and abroad interface library industry is first, optimized performance improvement after about 10 times,
13, least dependent on
No third party dependency is PowerUI necessary conditions to meet the general characteristics, in this case, the third party is not only need extra each platform using a third-party library, also contains a variety of platform under the system take the foundation of libraries, such as Windows platform MFC library, DotnetFramework etc., so release using the PowerUI application, only need to bring PowerUI. DLL file is ok, no need to pack other DLLS,
14, plug-in control management
PowerUI parts of can be extended using the plug-in management control is an extensible very strong kind of parts, plug-in management benefit is plug and play, easy to maintain, easy to upgrade, easy to independent development, and to the dependence of the platform and small, PowerUI provides not only the script control development, and also provides the control development guide, the user can easily use this wizard to develop meet PowerUI control rules, the so-called control, is actually a bunch of attributes, a pile of drawings, a pile of collection of events, and PowerUI platform all controls are often used these attributes rules, the mapping rules, event rules unified abstraction development tool sets available for various controls,
15, PSD creative library support
PowerUI using PSD as creative library file format, the UI designer or have a slight knowledge of Photoshop software engineers can adjust the PSD large image, you can change the color, also can modify the size of the controls, you can also add a new layer and, of course, can also be modified layer styles, PowerUI regularly send the latest PSD creative library files to the user, the user can be loaded into PowerUIBuilder,
The traditional interface development mode is the UI designer rendering - & gt; Figure - cutting & gt; Software engineers call the corresponding pictures to assemble of interface, and after using PowerUI interface development mode is the UI designer to PSD creative library (similar to the warehouse) which constantly add new ideas, once the project requirements, software engineers are generally from ideas to get to meet project requirements in the library, so can greatly shorten the project interface development progress, in addition to the user units of the UI designer's request is also greatly reduced, the emergence of PSD creative library is the UI design to the new era, an important symbol of change,
16, DPI dynamic adjustment
PowerUI due to the working principle of the direct way of drawing all the image size and the size are carried out by a few key function, so the image of dynamic scaling is going to be easy, it is the default support the adaptive DPI Settings, of course, if the user wants to software interface does not change along with the change of DPI, can call PowerUI API function inside the function can be shut down,
17, Unicode support
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