I'm trying to place the user name and the user image in the right place in the welcome banner but I can't mess with pixel well
Try this
import discord
from discord import File
from discord.ext import commands
from easy_pil import Editor
from easy_pil import Font
from easy_pil import load_image_async
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', intents=discord.Intents.all())
async def on_member_join(member):
channel = member.guild.system_channel
background = Editor('assets/welcome.png')
profile_image = await load_image_async(str(member.avatar.url))
profile = Editor(profile_image).resize((310,310)).circle_image()
poppins = Font.poppins(size=50, variant='bold')
poppins_small = Font.poppins(size=20, variant='light')
background.ellipse((115,105), 310, 310, outline='white', stroke_width=5)
background.text((115,415), f'{member.display_name}', color='white', font=poppins, align='center')
file = File(fp=background.image_bytes,filename='assets/welcome.png')
await channel.send(file=file)
await channel.send(f'Hello {member.mention} Welcome To **{member.guild.name} You are the **{len(bot.get_all_members())}th**')