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Why is selenium not able to find element with ID, even when it is not in an iframe?


I am trying to make an automatic program for logging in to GitHub. I could find only the sign-in option. After that, I could not find the Username field. I have confirmed that the element is definitely not in a/an (i)frame. I have tried an alternative with css-selector.

Here is the code I tried:

from selenium.webdriver import Chrome
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options

chrome_opt = Options()
chrome_opt.add_experimental_option("detach", True)  # type: ignore[unknown]

auto = Chrome(options=chrome_opt)

signin_link = auto.find_element("link text", "Sign in")

username = auto.find_element("id", "login_field")
username.send_keys("ArnabRollin")  # type: ignore[unknown]


The type-ignore comments are there because of 'strict mode' type checking in VS Code. Also, after 5 tries of running it, it finally worked, but when I ran it again it didn't.

CodePudding user response:

Note, I'm not sure it's ethical scraping this website, and besides, they have Captcha.

You can use this CSS selector:

username = auto.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input.js-login-field")

Additionally, when you go to github.com and click on login, the URL changes to /login: https://github.com/login

CodePudding user response:

now your code is looking for elements in the page https://github.com - the one used in method get()

instead of clicking element's link, get it with webdriver:

signin_link = auto.find_element("link text", "Sign in")


signin_link = auto.find_element("link text", "Sign in").get_attribute('href')

auto.get(url2) will save new page context into driver. after sign in is complete, a new page context will be needed

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