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How can I use "number placeholders" when using .replace()?


I have a file which has multiple instances of "position": [num, num] (num is a random number).

Now I want to replace those instances with "position": [num, num, 0], so basically just add a , 0 after the two numbers. But how can I do that?

I tried doing text.replace('"position": [%d, %d]', '"position": [%d, %d, 0]'). That didn't work though.

CodePudding user response:

You can use the following re.sub to do the replacements (demo).

Edit for OP's comments:

Given that the file is fairly small, I'd iterate through it while reading, applying the substitution as I go, and then dump all the subbed lines into the same location.

import re

file_path = "/tmp/74987707.txt"  # substitute your own

output_lines = []

with open(file_path, mode="rt") as f:
    for line in f:
        subbed_line = re.sub(
            r'("position": \[\d (?:\.?\d*), \d (?:\.?\d*))(])',
            r'\1, 0\2',

with open(file_path, mode="wt") as f:

Regex explanation:

  1. group 1 ("position": \[\d (?:\.?\d*), \d (?:\.?\d*))
  • ( start
  • "position": \[ match exactly (escaping [)
  • \d match one or more digit
  • (?:\.?\d*) non capturing group, match a possible literal dot . and one or more digits
  • , match exactly
  • \d (?:\.?\d*) see above
  • ) end
  1. group 2 (\])
  • ( start
  • \] match exactly (escaping ])
  • ) end

CodePudding user response:

From the structure of what you posted it looks like a json file, you can just loop through the items and append 0

import json

with open('example.json', 'r') as f:
    data = json.load(f)

for item in data:
    if 'position' in item:
        if isinstance(item['position'], list) and len(item['position']) == 2:

with open('example_modified.json', 'w') as f:
    json.dump(data, f)
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