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How to replace Filter Origin in this PowerShell command with Windows Firewall's display name?


Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName="Security"; Id=5152; } | ? { $_.Message -like "*Outbound*" -and -not($_.message -like "*ICMP*")} | select Message | ft -wrap

Found that in enter image description here

filter origin has this ID which is Firewall's unique name but I want to see a more user friendly name so I can understand immediately which Firewall rule, based on its display name that I set, blocked this connection.

Update: I want to do something like this. but it doesn't work like this and I need help fixing it. basically, I want to keep the same output format that the original script shows and only replace things like this {a42a62ec-83d9-4ab5-9d54-4dbd20cfab17} with their display name.

$data = (Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName="Security"; Id=5152; } |
 ? { $_.Message -like "*Outbound*" -and -not($_.message -like "*ICMP*")}).message

 $data -replace "(?<=Filter Origin:[^{] ){. ?}",{(Get-NetFirewallRule -Name $Matches[0]).DisplayName}


CodePudding user response:

You can turn events into xml and access each field seperately. I don't have your exact event type.

$a = Get-WinEvent @{ LogName='Security' } -maxevents 1
$xml = [xml]$a.toxml()


Name              #text
----              -----
SubjectUserSid    S-1-5-19
SubjectUserName   LOCAL SERVICE
SubjectDomainName NT AUTHORITY
SubjectLogonId    0x3e5
PreviousTime      2023-01-03T14:40:58.3894712Z
NewTime           2023-01-03T14:40:58.3975397Z
ProcessId         0x59c
ProcessName       C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe

$xml.event.eventdata.data | ? name -eq processname | % '#text'

Get-WinEvent @{ LogName='Security' } | % { $xml = [xml]$_.toxml()
  $xml.event.eventdata.data | ? name -eq processname | % '#text' }

CodePudding user response:

Did a quick google search and saw this documentation on troubleshooting firewalls, and it points to Get-NetFireWallRule being able to get the display name from the ID. That said, you can use some handy RegEx of (?<=Filter Origin:[^{] ){. ?} to get the unique ID and query its friendly name:

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName="Security"; Id=5152; } |
    ? { $_.Message -like "*Outbound*" -and $_.Message -notlike "*ICMP*" } | 
    Select -Property @{
        Name = 'Msg'
        Expression = {
            if ($_.Message -match ($pattern = '(?<=Filter Origin:[^{] ){. ?}'))
                $_.Message -replace $pattern, (Get-NetFirewallRule -Name $Matches[0]).DisplayName

Placing it inside an if statement allows it to leave the message alone if no match was found for patterns that may be the unique ID. See RegEx101 for more info on the pattern itself.

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