I'm not really sure when it started, but my Selenium framework stopped accepting path names with File.separator
, I must use backslashes or I can't upload files.
If I type path like this:
String DOCX = "uploads" File.separator "mock" File.separator "document_donotparse.docx";
I get such an error:
invalid argument: File not found : C:\XXX\Arbeit\tests\build\resources\test\uploads\mock\document_donotparse.docx
So basically File.separator
gets translated to \
Now this is the code I am using:
public void uploadFiles(@NotNull List<String> filenames, By input, By progressBar, FileType fileType) {
log.trace("Uploading files: {}", filenames);
and since I also need to upload multiple files at once, I need the util function:
public String parseFilenamesForMultipleUpload(@NotNull Collection<String> filenames) {
return String.join(" \n ", filenames
.map(filename -> new File(Objects.requireNonNull(
The only thing that worked so far was basically changing code to use "normal" backslashes:
String DOCX = "uploads/mock/document_donotparse.docx";
I would, however, like to use File.separator
back again.
Also I am having no problems at all when reading json
or properties
files, for which paths are also separated with File.separator
, so the problem must lie somewhere with the upload code.
CodePudding user response:
Thanks to @hiren I pinpointed that the place where parsing to \
occured was parseFilenamesForMultipleUpload
. So I added URLDecoder
to get rid of percentages and created my own method removePath
to remove path part of file regardless of type of file separator.
Here is the the code:
is very similiar I just added more mappings to make it cleaner and added mapping through decodeQuery
method, which simply translates percentages.
public String parseFilenamesForMultipleUpload(@NotNull Collection<String> filenames) {
return filenames
is simply some code from previous version of parseFilenamesForMultipleUpload
method extracted fo clarity:
@Contract("_ -> new")
private @NotNull File getFile(String filename) {
return new File(Objects.requireNonNull(Utils.class.getClassLoader().getResource(filename)).getFile());
I then map it again with File#getPath
instead of File#AbsolutePath
like before, and finally decodeQuery
translates percentage style.
public String decodeQuery(String query) {
return URLDecoder.decode(query, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
And finally I join them with a newline character.
Then, to be able to extract filename from filepath I created such method:
public String removePath(@NotNull String filepath) {
for (char c : new char[]{'/', '\\', File.separatorChar, File.pathSeparatorChar}) {
filepath = cutFilePath(filepath, c);
return filepath;
where cutFilePath
private @NotNull String cutFilePath(@NotNull String filepath, char delimiter) {
int charIndex = filepath.lastIndexOf(delimiter);
return charIndex > -1 ? filepath.substring(charIndex 1) : filepath;
Everything is working :)