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How to optimzie my function by dropping loops


I have the following function that uses nested loops and honestly I'm not sure how to proceed with making the code run more efficient. It runs fine for 100 sims in my opinion but when I ran for 2000 sims it took almost 12 seconds.

This code will generate any n Brownian Motion simulations and works well, the issue is once the simulation size is increased to say 500 then it starts to bog down, and when it hits 2k then it's pretty slow ie 12.

Here is the function:

ts_brownian_motion <- function(.time = 100, .num_sims = 10, .delta_time = 1,
                            .initial_value = 0) {

    # TidyEval ----
    T <- as.numeric(.time)
    N <- as.numeric(.num_sims)
    delta_t <- as.numeric(.delta_time)
    initial_value <- as.numeric(.initial_value)

    # Checks ----
    if (!is.numeric(T) | !is.numeric(N) | !is.numeric(delta_t) | !is.numeric(initial_value)){
            message = "All parameters must be numeric values.",
            use_cli_format = TRUE

    # Initialize empty data.frame to store the simulations
    sim_data <- data.frame()

    # Generate N simulations
    for (i in 1:N) {
        # Initialize the current simulation with a starting value of 0
        sim <- c(initial_value)

        # Generate the brownian motion values for each time step
        for (t in 1:(T / delta_t)) {
            sim <- c(sim, sim[t]   rnorm(1, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(delta_t)))

        # Bind the time steps, simulation values, and simulation number together in a data.frame and add it to the result
        sim_data <- rbind(
                t = seq(0, T, delta_t),
                y = sim,
                sim_number = i

    # Clean up
    sim_data <- sim_data %>%
        dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(sim_number = forcats::as_factor(sim_number)) %>%
        dplyr::select(sim_number, t, y)

    # Return ----
    attr(sim_data, ".time") <- .time
    attr(sim_data, ".num_sims") <- .num_sims
    attr(sim_data, ".delta_time") <- .delta_time
    attr(sim_data, ".initial_value") <- .initial_value


Here is some output of the function:

> ts_brownian_motion(.time = 10, .num_sims = 25)
# A tibble: 275 × 3
   sim_number     t       y
   <fct>      <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 1              0  0     
 2 1              1 -2.13  
 3 1              2 -1.08  
 4 1              3  0.0728
 5 1              4  0.562 
 6 1              5  0.255 
 7 1              6 -1.28  
 8 1              7 -1.76  
 9 1              8 -0.770 
10 1              9 -0.536 
# … with 265 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Example Output of the function visualized

CodePudding user response:

As suggested in the comments, if you want speed, you should use cumsum. You need to be clear what type of Brownian Motion you want (arithmetic, geometric). For geometric Brownian motion, you'll need to correct the approximation error by adjusting the mean. As an example, the Brownian Motion

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