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How to apply CSS to body tag in a child Div using SASS?


The scenario is I want to add CSS style for <body> on a child DIV

Whenever a DIV with a Fixed position is displayed, overflow will be hidden on the Body

.fixedDiv {
      width: 100vw;
      height: 50vh;
      body {
       overflow: hidden

CodePudding user response:

Sass will always compile to css, so you always should ask yourself how to do it in css first.

What you are trying to achieve can be done using the :has pseudo selector.

body:has(.fixedDiv) {
   overflow: hidden;

But at the time of writing, this selector is not yet fully supported by all major browsers. For Firefox it is still behind an experimental flag.

So I recommend to avoid using it for production projects yet. I am sure there is an alternative way of approaching the goal you are trying to achieve with a different layout.

CodePudding user response:

it will be nice if you use the embedded css style attribute


the internal css way

.fixedDiv { width: 100vw; height: 50vh; body { overflow: hidden } }
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