Home > database >  How to find all 'missing' and 'extra' fields in dto by their entity using Reflec
How to find all 'missing' and 'extra' fields in dto by their entity using Reflec


I need to find all 'missing' and extra fields for every dto's by their entities using reflection. For example.

I have

public class TestDto {
  long id;
  String name;
  int age;
  long personId;
  String phone;

And Entity

public class TestEntity {
  long id;
  String name;
  int age;
  Person person;
  String address;

person = personId(mapping). We don't need to print it like 'missing' field and 'extra' field.

Output: Missing fields for dto. Please add!: address; Extra fields for dto. Please remove! : phone;

i wrote

private final Map<String, String> fieldMappings = new HashMap<>();

      fieldMappings.put("person", "personId"); 

      Field[] dtoFields = auditDtoClass.getDeclaredFields();
      Field[] entityFields = entityClass.getDeclaredFields();

      List<String> missingFields = Arrays.stream(entityFields)
          .filter(field -> !fieldMappings.containsKey(field.getName()) && Stream.of(dtoFields)
              .noneMatch(dtoField -> dtoField.getName().equals(field.getName())))
          .filter(field -> Arrays.stream(dtoFields)
              .noneMatch(f -> f.getName().equals(field)))

      List<String> extraFields = Arrays.stream(dtoFields)
          .filter(field -> !fieldMappings.containsValue(field.getName()) &&
              !fieldMappings.containsKey(field.getName()) && Stream.of(entityFields)
              .noneMatch(entityField -> entityField.getName().equals(field.getName())))
          .filter(field -> Arrays.stream(entityFields)
              .noneMatch(f -> f.getName().equals(field)))

It's wrong.

Because programmer can add (private Person person field) in other entity without adding to dto and it didn't print it in missing fields.

I also think that we can link those fields fieldMappings.put("person", "personId"); to the entity/dto classes but now I don't understand how. I'd love to hear ideas on how to do this.

CodePudding user response:

This should do the trick. Please optimize the code to your needs.

    Map<String, Class<?>> testDtoDeclarationMap = getFieldDeclarationMap(new TestDto());
    Map<String, Class<?>> testEntityDeclarationMap = getFieldDeclarationMap(new TestEntity());

    testDtoDeclarationMap.forEach(((k, v) -> {
        if (!(testEntityDeclarationMap.containsKey(k) && testDtoDeclarationMap.get(k) == testEntityDeclarationMap.get(k))) {
            System.out.println("Extra fields for dto. Please remove!: '"   k   "' with the datatype: "   v);

    testEntityDeclarationMap.forEach(((k, v) -> {
        if (!(testDtoDeclarationMap.containsKey(k) && testEntityDeclarationMap.get(k) == testDtoDeclarationMap.get(k))) {
            System.out.println("Missing fields for dto. Please add!: '"   k   "' with the datatype: "   v);

Map<String, Class<?>> getFieldDeclarationMap(Object obj) {
    Map<String, Class<?>> map = new HashMap<>();
    Field[] declaredFields = obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
    for (int x=0; x<declaredFields.length; x  ) {
        Field field = declaredFields[x];
        String name = field.getName();
        Class<?> type = field.getType();
        map.put(name, type);
    return map;

CodePudding user response:

I decided to create 'config' for mappings. For each entity.

private final Map<String, Map<String, String>> entityFieldMappings = new HashMap<>();

Then add some 'mappings'

 entityFieldMappings.put("TestEntity", Map.of("person", "personId"));

 entityFieldMappings.put("SampleEntity", Map.of(
        "customer", "customerId",
        "location", "locationId",
        "storageCondition", "storageConditionId"

Then created method for comparing entity and dto fields

private void compareFields(Class<?> entity, Class<?> dto, String entityName, Map<String, Map<String, String>> fieldMappings) {
    final Set<String> entityFieldNames = Arrays.stream(entity.getDeclaredFields()).map(Field::getName).collect(Collectors.toSet());
    final Set<String> dtoFieldNames = Arrays.stream(dto.getDeclaredFields()).map(Field::getName).collect(Collectors.toSet());

       Map<String, String> entityMappings = fieldMappings.get(entityName);
        Set<String> missingFields = entityFieldNames.stream()
            .filter(fieldName -> !dtoFieldNames.contains(fieldName) && !entityMappings.containsKey(fieldName))
        Set<String> extraFields = dtoFieldNames.stream()
            .filter(fieldName -> !entityFieldNames.contains(fieldName) && !entityMappings.containsValue(fieldName))
        if (!missingFields.isEmpty()) {
          log.error("Missing fields in Dto: "   dto.getName()   " for entity: "   entity.getName()   " are: "   missingFields);
        if (!extraFields.isEmpty()) {
          log.error("Extra fields in Dto: "   dto.getName()   " for entity: "   entity.getName()   " are: "   extraFields);
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