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How do I remove .x.x.x.... and .y.y.y... from headings when I do a full join of multiple dataframes



Country Name Race A B C
.. .. .. .. .. ..


Country Name Race D E F
.. .. .. .. .. ..


Country Name Race G H I
.. .. .. .. .. ..


Country Name Race J K L
.. .. .. .. .. ..

The above are a some .csv data frames that I assigned to a variable called file.list, and then used lapply. The purpose was to full join every data frame into a single one, as you can see by the code below.

file.list= c(file1.csv, file2.csv, file3.csv, file4.csv)

df.list <- lapply(file.list, read.csv)

data <-df.list %>% reduce(full_join, by=c("Country", "Name", "Race"))


Country Name Race A.x B.x C.x D.y E.y F.y G.x.x H.x.x I.x.x J.y.y K.y.y L.y.y
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Although the full join works using the above code, the headers have a .x or .y added behind their names. This code also produced similar results:

data<-power_full_join(df.list, by=c("Country", "Name", "Race"))

How can I full join such that the headers retain their original names without the .x.x... and .y.y.. behind?

CodePudding user response:

full_join() has an argument suffix which can be set to empty strings to achieve this.

data <-df.list %>% reduce(full_join, by=c("Country", "Name", "Race"), suffix=c("",""))

CodePudding user response:

A base R alternative joining a list of data frames.


  Country Name Race A B C
1      Rf  wef  wed 1 1 1
2      Ew eggw   qw 2 2 2

  Country Name Race D E F
1      Gw  wef  wed 3 5 7
2      Wd eggw   qw 4 6 8

  Country Name Race G  H I
1      Qp  wef  wed 3 10 7
2      Ew eggw   qw 4 11 8


join_list <- function(x, ax = T, ay = F){ 
  dff <- merge(x[[1]], x[[2]], all.x=ax, all.y=ay)
  if(length(df_list) > 2){
    for(i in seq_along(x)[3:length(x)]){ 
      dff <- merge(dff, x[[i]], all.x=ax, all.y=ay) 
  }}; dff }


join_list(df_list, ax=T, ay=T)
  Country Name Race  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I
1      Ew eggw   qw  2  2  2 NA NA NA  4 11  8
2      Gw  wef  wed NA NA NA  3  5  7 NA NA NA
3      Qp  wef  wed NA NA NA NA NA NA  3 10  7
4      Rf  wef  wed  1  1  1 NA NA NA NA NA NA
5      Wd eggw   qw NA NA NA  4  6  8 NA NA NA


df_list <- list(structure(list(Country = c("Rf", "Ew"), Name = c("wef",
"eggw"), Race = c("wed", "qw"), A = 1:2, B = 1:2, C = 1:2), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
-2L)), structure(list(Country = c("Gw", "Wd"), Name = c("wef",
"eggw"), Race = c("wed", "qw"), D = 3:4, E = 5:6, F = 7:8), row.names = c(NA,
-2L), class = "data.frame"), structure(list(Country = c("Qp",
"Ew"), Name = c("wef", "eggw"), Race = c("wed", "qw"), G = 3:4,
    H = 10:11, I = 7:8), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = "data.frame"))

CodePudding user response:

We could use plyr::join_all

plyr::join_all(df_list, type = "full")


  Country Name Race  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I
1      Rf  wef  wed  1  1  1 NA NA NA NA NA NA
2      Ew eggw   qw  2  2  2 NA NA NA  4 11  8
3      Gw  wef  wed NA NA NA  3  5  7 NA NA NA
4      Wd eggw   qw NA NA NA  4  6  8 NA NA NA
5      Qp  wef  wed NA NA NA NA NA NA  3 10  7


df_list <- list(structure(list(Country = c("Rf", "Ew"), Name = c("wef", 
"eggw"), Race = c("wed", "qw"), A = 1:2, B = 1:2, C = 1:2), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
-2L)), structure(list(Country = c("Gw", "Wd"), Name = c("wef", 
"eggw"), Race = c("wed", "qw"), D = 3:4, E = 5:6, F = 7:8), row.names = c(NA, 
-2L), class = "data.frame"), structure(list(Country = c("Qp", 
"Ew"), Name = c("wef", "eggw"), Race = c("wed", "qw"), G = 3:4, 
    H = 10:11, I = 7:8), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = "data.frame"))
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