How can I sort ascending/descending this list of classes by id in Java?
[Complaints{id=1, state='inregistrata'}, Complaints{id=3, state='solutionata'}, Complaints{id=2, state='solutionata'}]
CodePudding user response:
You can do this by using Java's Comparable
The Comparable
interface is used to make instances comparable with each other. It works by implementing the interface's compareTo()
method. The way it works is simple;
Let's say we have two objects; o1
and o2
. compareTo()
returns an integer that carries information about the comparison of the two instances.
- If
, thencompareTo()
should return an integer >0. - If
, thencompareTo()
should return an integer <0. - Finally, ff
, thencompareTo()
should return exactly 0.
You can base the comparison on whichever attribute you like. An implementation that might work for you follows;
First, in your Complaint
class implement the Comparable
interface like this;
public class Complaint implements Comparable<Complaint> {
Then, implement compareTo()
like this;
public class Complaint implements Comparable<Complaint> {
private int id;
private String state;
//... other code ...
public int getId(){
public int compareTo(Complaint c) {
if ( == c.getId()) {
return 0;
} else if ( > c.getId()){
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
Once you do the above, you can now use Java's Collections.sort()
method to sort your complaint instances.
List complaints = new ArrayList<Complaint>();
complaints.add(new Complaint(2, "solutionata"));
complaints.add(new Complaint(1, "inregistrata"));
complaints.add(new Complaint(3, "solutionata"));
Collections.sort(complaints); // sort in ascending order
Collections.reverse(complaints); // sort in descending order
Do not forget to import Collections:
import java.util.Collections;