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How to get values for different rows and multiple columns in sql


I want to get data from three different tables

Table 1 : iep_start_lp_request

lp_id certifications_check EmpName EmpOldID created_date
6516 yes A Hemalatha 113111 2022-01-20 08:55:27
6332 yes A V Shruthi 110816 2022-01-20 08:55:27
6503 no A. Divya 117909 2022-02-20 08:55:27
11989 yes Aabha Verma 110415 2022-02-20 08:55:27
6401 no Aadarsh Keerti 115899 2022-03-20 08:55:27
8864 yes Aakanksha Rehan 2150618 2022-03-20 08:55:27
8786 yes Aakarsh Bhatia 110081 2022-05-20 08:55:27

Table2 : iep_employee_list

EmpName EmpOldID
A Hemalatha 108782
A Hemalatha 113111
A Hemalatha 110421
A R Shashikumar 118531
A S Kundana Sai 115788
A Satheesh 112663
A Suresh 117851
A Umiya Begum 112956
A V Ramanathan 116010
A V Shruthi 110816
A. Divya 117909

Table 3 : iep_postmeta

post_id meta_key meta_value
8865 select_category a:1:{i:0;s:18:"AWS Certifications";}
8603 select_category a:1:{i:0;s:21:"Google Certifications";}
6656 select_category a:1:{i:0;s:24:"Microsoft Certifications";}

I need to get count of employees who completed different category certifications in each month

Result to get

Below is the query I tried

select SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX( certicatname.`meta_value`,':"',-1) ,'";}',1)
    as 'certicatname',
       max(case when (lp2.`created_date` BETWEEN '2022-04-01' AND '2022-01-01') then COUNT(lp2.`user_emp_id`) end) as Jan,
       max(case when (lp2.`created_date` BETWEEN '2022-08-01' AND '2022-04-01') then COUNT(lp2.`user_emp_id`) end) as Feb,
       max(case when (lp2.`created_date` BETWEEN '2022-12-01' AND '2022-08-01') then COUNT(lp2.`user_emp_id`) end) as mar
    `iep_start_lp_request` as lp2 LEFT JOIN `iep_employee_list` as emplyoee2 ON lp2.`user_emp_id`=emplyoee2.`EmpOldID` LEFT JOIN `iep_postmeta` as certicatname ON certicatname.`post_id`=lp2.`lp_id` WHERE (certicatname.`meta_value` REGEXP '.*;s:[0-9] :"AWS Certifications".*' OR certicatname.`meta_value` REGEXP '.*;s:[0-9] :"Microsoft Certifications".*' OR certicatname.`meta_value` REGEXP '.*;s:[0-9] :"Google Certifications".*' ) AND lp2.`certifications_check`='yes' GROUP BY certicatname.`meta_value` ORDER BY certicatname.`meta_value`;

CodePudding user response:

Can you try this :

  SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX( ip.meta_value,':"',-1) ,'";}',1) as certificate,
  coalesce(count(case when month(isr.created_date) = 1 then 1 end), 0) as JAN,
  coalesce(count(case when month(isr.created_date) = 2 then 1 end), 0) as FEB,
  coalesce(count(case when month(isr.created_date) = 3 then 1 end), 0) as MARS
from iep_start_lp_request isr
inner join iep_employee_list iel on iel.EmpOldID = isr.EmpOldID
inner join iep_postmeta ip on ip.iep_postmeta = isr.lp_id
where isr.certifications_check = 'yes'
group by ip.meta_value, month(isr.created_date);

I used almost same logic as yours : SUBSTRING_INDEX to get certificate name, case when to generate columns from rows. and if we want data based on certificate and month then we need to group by both not only certificate.

You can try it from here https://dbfiddle.uk/l-PV7_zj

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