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500 error when I publish the weatherforecast API in Azure, how do I debug this?


500 error code when calling published API to Azure:

Steps to create Api project (works locally):

  • open Visual Studio 2022
  • choose API project on windows
  • weather forecast api project automatically generated, has Swagger integrated
  • tested locally, works OK: https://localhost:7264/swagger/index.html // has a single get request, avalable at: https://localhost:7264/WeatherForecast

Steps to deploy to Azure:

  • from VS, right click on project, Publish

  • target = Azure

  • Azure service used to host app: "Azure App Service (Windows)"

  • choose subscription

  • create new (App Service): give it a name (wfappservice), choose existing resource group, create hosting plan with Size S1.

  • In the "Api Management" section - create new instance: WFA1api; API URL suffix: wf

  • Go to Azure portal - RG selected earlier - find here the API Management created earlie i.e. WFA1api

  • Inside the API Management service, choose APIs - choose the WFA1api instance - right click it - choose Import API - browse to the OpenAPI specification (json file downloaded earlier from the Swagger page from the local project) - click Import

  • To test, go to the TEST tab (from the same API Management service instance) - click on the GET request (shows up here from the OpenAPI specification file imported on the previous step) - click on SEND on the request -> I get error 500:

{ "statusCode": 500, "message": "Internal server error", "activityId": "f773cfca-45a4-4a2f-b1ed-96d1ef2ef66f" }

On the TRACE tab, I see:

Trace is not available because response does not contain Ocp-Apim-Trace-Location header.

Any idea on how I can solve or debug this error? And how do I make the Api call if I skip the Api Management step, what is the procedure in that case? What if my project also has a database?

Thank you

CodePudding user response:

  • I have deploy an App service with API management follow the below steps

  • Open visual Studio and create a sample ASP.NET Core API and run it locally as below.

enter image description here

  • Now deploy it to azure portal Right Click on Project ->Click on Publish

enter image description here

  • Select the Windows as below

enter image description here

  • Click on Create and fill the required details as below and click on next.

enter image description here

  • Click on Create to API management as below.

enter image description here

  • Fill the required details as below and click on Create

enter image description here

  • Select the API and web application and click on finish and then click on close

enter image description here

  • After that click on Publish

enter image description here

Note: In some cases, the APi is not deploying into App service in that case follow below steps.

  • After Deployment GOTO Resource group open App service and Api management. Select your API management as below and click on link.

enter image description here

  • Follow the steps as below.

enter image description here

  • After that GOTO App service and -> GOTO Api management as shown below.

enter image description here

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