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What is the next step to my project Assembly x86


I am trying to fix the code for my project but i am a little overwhelmed. This is the last question I asked about my code.
I am here to upload the whole code:

.model small
.stack 100h

indexul db 2 dup (0)
invalid db "Indexul introdus este invalid!",0,'$'
string db 'Introduceti indexul numelui pe care doriti sa-l stergeti:',0,'$'
punct db '.$'
prompt db 'Introduceti un nume:',0,'$'
list db 'Lista cu numele este:',0,'$'
nume dw 50 dup(0)
numes dw 0
numeIndex db 13, 10, 49, 46, 36

numePointer dw 50
menu db "Alege o optiune:",13,10
     db "1. Nume",13,10
     db "2. Lista cu numele",13,10
     db "3. Sterge un nume",13,10
     db "4. Exit",13,10,'$'

    mov al, 0
    mov  ax, @data
    mov  ds, ax
    mov numePointer, offset nume
    call clear_screen
    ;Move cursor to the next line
    mov dl, 0dh
    mov ah, 2
    int 21h
    mov dl, 0ah
    int 21h
    ;Display menu
    call display_menu
    mov ah, 1
    int 21h
    cmp al, '1'
    je scrienume
    cmp al, '2'
    je lista
    cmp al, '3'
    je sterge
    cmp al, '4'
    jmp exit
    jmp bucla

    mov dx, offset numePointer

  mov  dx, offset prompt
  mov  ah, 09h
  int  21h
  mov  cx, 5
  mov  si, numePointer
  mov  ah, 01h
  int  21h
  mov  [si], al
  inc  si
  loop read_char
  mov  byte ptr [si], '$'
  inc  si
  mov  numePointer, si ; numePointer  = 6
  jmp  bucla

mov  byte ptr [numeIndex   2], "1"
  mov  dx, offset nume
  push dx                        ; (1)
  mov  dx, offset numeIndex
  mov  ah, 09h
  int  21h
  inc  byte ptr [numeIndex   2]  ; "1" -> "2" -> "3" ...
  pop  dx                        ; (1)

  mov  ah, 09h
  int  21h
  add  dx, 5   1
  cmp  dx, numePointer ; check if the current name is the last one
  jb   print_names
  jmp  bucla           ; return to main loop

    ; Prompt user for position of name to delete
    mov dx, offset string
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h
    ; Read position from user
    mov ah, 01h
    int 21h
     sub  al, 49      ; AL=["1","9"] 1-based input -> AL=[0,8] 0-based index
  mov  ah, 6
  mul  ah          ; -> AX = {0,6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48}
  add  ax, offset nume
  cmp  ax, numePointer
  jnb  invalidPosition
  mov  di, ax
  lea  si, [di   6]
  mov  cx, numePointer
  sub  cx, si
  rep movsb
  mov  numePointer, di
  dec  numes
  jmp  bucla
    ; Display error message
    mov dx, offset invalid
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h
    jmp bucla

    mov  ax, 4c00h
    int 21h

display_menu proc
  mov  dx, offset menu
  mov  ah, 9
  int  21h
display_menu endp

clear_screen proc
  mov  ah, 0
  mov  al, 3
  int  10H
clear_screen endp
end start

As i mentioned in the other questions, it only deletes the last name no matter what index i input.

CodePudding user response:

mov  ax, @data
mov  ds, ax

You forgot to setup the ES segment register! You need it for the movsb instruction.

mov  ax, @data
mov  ds, ax
mov  es, ax

nume dw 50 dup(0)

Better define this with db and reserve room for at most 9 names, so 9 * (5 1):

nume db 54 dup(0)
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