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How to change the color of ripple effect of a Button


For some reason, I'm unable to change the color of the ripple effect of a Button. What am I doing wrong here?

    onClick = onClick,
    modifier = modifier
            interactionSource = interactionSource,
            indication = rememberRipple(color = Color.Red)
    enabled = enabled,
    interactionSource = interactionSource,
    elevation = elevation,
    shape = RectangleShape,
    colors = ButtonDefaults.bottomColors(),
    contentPadding = PaddingValues(vertical = 4.dp),
    content = { Text(text) },

CodePudding user response:

Button is derived from this Surface which has its own indication with rememberRipple(). Since Button is as Surface, you can implement clickable with any other Composable that resembles Button

fun Button(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
    elevation: ButtonElevation? = ButtonDefaults.elevation(),
    shape: Shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.small,
    border: BorderStroke? = null,
    colors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(),
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = ButtonDefaults.ContentPadding,
    content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit
) {
    val contentColor by colors.contentColor(enabled)
        onClick = onClick,
        modifier = modifier,
        enabled = enabled,
        shape = shape,
        color = colors.backgroundColor(enabled).value,
        contentColor = contentColor.copy(alpha = 1f),
        border = border,
        elevation = elevation?.elevation(enabled, interactionSource)?.value ?: 0.dp,
        interactionSource = interactionSource,
    ) {
        CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides contentColor.alpha) {
                value = MaterialTheme.typography.button
            ) {
                            minWidth = ButtonDefaults.MinWidth,
                            minHeight = ButtonDefaults.MinHeight
                    horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
                    verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
                    content = content

fun Surface(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    shape: Shape = RectangleShape,
    color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.surface,
    contentColor: Color = contentColorFor(color),
    border: BorderStroke? = null,
    elevation: Dp = 0.dp,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    val absoluteElevation = LocalAbsoluteElevation.current   elevation
        LocalContentColor provides contentColor,
        LocalAbsoluteElevation provides absoluteElevation
    ) {
            modifier = modifier
                    shape = shape,
                    backgroundColor = surfaceColorAtElevation(
                        color = color,
                        elevationOverlay = LocalElevationOverlay.current,
                        absoluteElevation = absoluteElevation
                    border = border,
                    elevation = elevation
                    interactionSource = interactionSource,
                    indication = rememberRipple(),
                    enabled = enabled,
                    role = Role.Button,
                    onClick = onClick
            propagateMinConstraints = true
        ) {

CodePudding user response:

Your code doesn't work because the ripple is implemented in the clickable modifier defined inside the Button.

However you can change the appearance of the ripple defining a custom RippleTheme and applying it to your composable with the LocalRippleTheme.

Something like:

private object RedRippleTheme: RippleTheme {

    override fun defaultColor() =
            lightTheme = true

    override fun rippleAlpha(): RippleAlpha =
            lightTheme = true


CompositionLocalProvider(LocalRippleTheme provides RedRippleTheme) {
       //Button content

enter image description here

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