Home > database >  Create new Date column of DATE type from existing Date column of TEXT type in PostgresSQL
Create new Date column of DATE type from existing Date column of TEXT type in PostgresSQL


I have a PostgresSQL table that has a Date column of type TEXT

Values look like this: 2019-07-19 00:00

I want to either cast this column to type DATE so I can query based on latest values, etc.... or create a new column of type DATE and cast into there (so I have both for the future). I would appreciate any advice on both options!

Hope this isn't a dupe, but I havn't found any answers on SO.

Some context, I will need to add more data later on to the table that only has the TEXT column, which is why i want to keep the original but open to suggestions.

CodePudding user response:

You can alter the column type with the simple command:

alter table my_table alter my_col type date using my_col::date

This seems to be the best solution as maintaining duplicate columns of different types is a potential source of future trouble.

Note that all values in the column have to be null or be recognizable by Postgres as a date, otherwise the conversion will fail.

Test it in db<>fiddle.

However, if you insist on creating a new column, use the update command:

alter table my_table add my_date_col date;
update my_table
set my_date_col = my_col::date;


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