Home > database >  Combine datetime from separate date and time part (miliseconds, bigint) using Linq to Entity (EF Cor
Combine datetime from separate date and time part (miliseconds, bigint) using Linq to Entity (EF Cor


I want to check two dates overlapping but instead of datetime the DB table uses **date **and bigint so I need to combine them into datetime in C# code:

Table columns: StartDate: date (null) EndDate: date (null) AvailableFromMs: bigint (null) AvailableToMs: bigint (null) table-columns


        [Column(TypeName = "date")]
        public DateTime? StartDate { get; set; }
        [Column(TypeName = "date")]
        public DateTime? EndDate { get; set; }
        public TimeSpan? AvailableFromMs { get; set; }
        public TimeSpan? AvailableToMs { get; set; }



IQueryable<TEntity> query = <repository_to_query_from>...

DateTime routeStart = DateTime.Now;

 List<TEntity> overlapping = query
                 .Where(r => routeStart <= ((DateTime)(object)r.EndDate.Value).AddSeconds(r.AvailableToMs == null ? 0.0 : r.AvailableToMs.Value.Milliseconds / 1000.0))

(Note: I know that this is just part of the condition, I will update that when EF generates correct SQL) SQL generated by EF Core looks like this:

  (@__routeStart_1 <= DATEADD(second, CAST(CASE
 WHEN [r].[AvailableToMs] IS NULL THEN 0.0E0
 ELSE CAST(DATEPART(millisecond, [r].[AvailableToMs]) AS float) / 1000.0E0
 END AS int), CAST([r].[EndDate] AS datetime2)))

But running this query throws: Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.

This is because of the AvailableToMs type: C# code divides it first by 1000 but EF generates that /1000.0E0 after the CAST() is performed and I want to do the division first, then do casting.

How can I force EF to do that?

CodePudding user response:

Thanks for all comments and ideas.

I ended with removing that TimeSpan dependency completely and just use long value to remove the DATEPART() from generated SQL:

.Where(r => routeStart <= ((DateTime)(object)r.EndDate.Value)
   .AddMilliseconds(r.AvailableToMs == null ? 0 : (long)(object)(r.AvailableToMs.Value))

Generated SQL is:

  ((@__routeStart_1 <= DATEADD(millisecond, CAST(CAST(CASE
    WHEN [r].[AvailableToMs] IS NULL THEN CAST(0 AS bigint)
    ELSE CAST([r].[AvailableToMs] AS bigint)
END AS float) AS int), CAST([r].[EndDate] AS datetime2)))

Some comments:

These (object) castings look suspicious, but they are necessary:

  1. EndDate is [db]date that does not have a time part. Without time calling AddMilliseconds() fails as LinqToEntity cannot translate the expression correctly (requires [db]datetime not [db]date)

  2. AvailableToMs is [db]bigint and cannot be used directly (as TimeSpan) because the expression is translated as DATEPART(millisecond, [r].[AvailableToMs]) AS bigint) As DATEPART() is unable to handle bigint causing 'Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.' SQL error (not an exception)

Some related links: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/providers/sql-server/functions https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/data/adonet/ef/language-reference/supported-and-unsupported-linq-methods-linq-to-entities

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