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ORA - 06502: PL/SQL: value error: numeric or character string buffer too small ORA


Java. SQL. SQLException: ORA - 06502: PL/SQL: value error: numeric or character string buffer too small ORA - 06512: the at line 1;
Number or value of error, the character buffer is too small,
Background call a stored procedure error, but did not find a place to the field, the stored procedure is as follows,
The create or replace function df_f_cxglyh (in_user_no varchar2,
In_dept_code varchar2,
In_area_code varchar2,
Out_user_cursor out highsoft_types. Dscursor)
Return varchar2
V_result number;
V_msg varchar2 (500);
V_flag integer;
V_count integer;
V_cbqdbh varchar2 (20);
The begin
- to empty the temporary table
The execute immediate 'truncate table tmp_df_yhda_glyh';
V_result:=- 10;
V_msg:='query user error;

If in_area_code is not null then
The select a.c BQDBH into v_cbqdbh from kh_ydkh where a a. d. QBM=in_area_code and a.y HBH=in_user_no;
- to increase the users themselves
The else
The select a.c BQDBH into v_cbqdbh from kh_ydkh where a a.y HBH=in_user_no;
end if;

- to increase the users themselves
V_msg:='increase the users themselves go wrong;
Insert into tmp_df_yhda_glyh
(yhbh GLBH)
(in_user_no in_user_no);

V_result:=- 20;
V_msg:='query user points error;
Select count (1) into v_count from
(select distinct al-qeada lyhbh yhbh from kh_jldgx a
Where a.y HBH=in_user_no and a.y HBH & lt;> Atul gawande lyhbh and a. d. QBM=in_area_code
And not the exists (select 1 from tmp_df_yhda_glyh b where b.y HBH=in_user_no and b.g LBH=al-qeada lyhbh)
And the exists (select 1 from kh_ydkh c where c.d QBM=in_area_code and c.y HBH=al-qeada lyhbh and Arthur c. BQDBH=v_cbqdbh)
The union
Select distinct a.y HBH yhbh from kh_jldgx a
Where al-qeada lyhbh=in_user_no and a.y HBH & lt;> Atul gawande lyhbh and a. d. QBM=in_area_code
And not the exists (select 1 from tmp_df_yhda_glyh b where b.y HBH=in_user_no and b.g LBH=a.y HBH)
And the exists (select 1 from kh_ydkh c where c.d QBM=in_area_code and c.y HBH=a.y HBH and Arthur c. BQDBH=v_cbqdbh));

While v_count & gt; 0 loop
If v_flag=0 then
V_result:=- 30;
V_msg:='insert user points error;
Insert into tmp_df_yhda_glyh
(yhbh GLBH)
The select in_user_no, al-qeada lyhbh from kh_jldgx a
Where a.y HBH=in_user_no and a.y HBH & lt;> Atul gawande lyhbh and a. d. QBM=in_area_code
And not the exists (select 1 from tmp_df_yhda_glyh b where b.y HBH=in_user_no and b.g LBH=al-qeada lyhbh)
And the exists (select 1 from kh_ydkh c where c.d QBM=in_area_code and c.y HBH=al-qeada lyhbh and Arthur c. BQDBH=v_cbqdbh)
Group by atul gawande lyhbh
The union
The select in_user_no, a.y HBH from kh_jldgx a
Where al-qeada lyhbh=in_user_no and a.y HBH & lt;> Atul gawande lyhbh and a. d. QBM=in_area_code
And not the exists (select 1 from tmp_df_yhda_glyh b where b.y HBH=in_user_no and b.g LBH=a.y HBH)
And the exists (select 1 from kh_ydkh c where c.d QBM=in_area_code and c.y HBH=a.y HBH and Arthur c. BQDBH=v_cbqdbh)
Group by a.y HBH;
The else
V_result:=- 40;
V_msg:='insert user points error;
Insert into tmp_df_yhda_glyh
(yhbh GLBH)
The select in_user_no, al-qeada lyhbh from kh_jldgx a
Where a.y HBH & lt;> Atul gawande lyhbh and a. d. QBM=in_area_code
And the exists (select 1 from tmp_df_yhda_glyh c where c.y HBH be sad LBH chtistina georgina rossetti.british poetess=in_user_no and=a.y HBH)
And not the exists (select 1 from tmp_df_yhda_glyh b where b.y HBH=in_user_no and b.g LBH=al-qeada lyhbh)
And the exists (select 1 from kh_ydkh c where c.d QBM=in_area_code and c.y HBH=al-qeada lyhbh and Arthur c. BQDBH=v_cbqdbh)
Group by atul gawande lyhbh
The union
The select in_user_no, a.y HBH from kh_jldgx a
Where a.y HBH & lt;> Atul gawande lyhbh and a. d. QBM=in_area_code
And the exists (select 1 from tmp_df_yhda_glyh c where c.y HBH be sad LBH chtistina georgina rossetti.british poetess=in_user_no and=al-qeada lyhbh)
And not the exists (select 1 from tmp_df_yhda_glyh b where b.y HBH=in_user_no and b.g LBH=a.y HBH)
And the exists (select 1 from kh_ydkh c where c.d QBM=in_area_code and c.y HBH=a.y HBH and Arthur c. BQDBH=v_cbqdbh)
Group by a.y HBH;
end if;
V_result:=- 50;
V_msg:='query user points error;
Select count (1) into v_count from
(select distinct al-qeada lyhbh yhbh from kh_jldgx a
Where a.y HBH & lt;> Atul gawande lyhbh and a. d. QBM=in_area_code
And the exists (select 1 from tmp_df_yhda_glyh c where c.y HBH be sad LBH chtistina georgina rossetti.british poetess=in_user_no and=a.y HBH)
And not the exists (select 1 from tmp_df_yhda_glyh b where b.y HBH=in_user_no and b.g LBH=al-qeada lyhbh)
And the exists (select 1 from kh_ydkh c where c.d QBM=in_area_code and c.y HBH=al-qeada lyhbh and Arthur c. BQDBH=v_cbqdbh)
The union
Select distinct a.y HBH yhbh from kh_jldgx a
Where a.y HBH & lt;> Atul gawande lyhbh and a. d. QBM=in_area_code
And the exists (select 1 from tmp_df_yhda_glyh c where c.y HBH be sad LBH chtistina georgina rossetti.british poetess=in_user_no and=al-qeada lyhbh)
And not the exists (select 1 from tmp_df_yhda_glyh b where b.y HBH=in_user_no and b.g LBH=a.y HBH)
And the exists (select 1 from kh_ydkh c where c.d QBM=in_area_code and c.y HBH=a.y HBH and Arthur c. BQDBH=v_cbqdbh));

V_flag:=v_flag + 1;
End loop;

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