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Table component not displaying a field in an object angular


I'm trying to use the p-table component from primeng however I cannot display student first name and last name because its an object in headArray, what would be the recommended way around this?

My "Student" model

id: number;
name: Name;

and name model

firstName: string;
lastName: string;


  <p-table [value]="students">
<ng-template pTemplate="header">
    <th *ngFor="let head of headArray">
<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-student>
    <td *ngFor="let head of headArray">


public headArray = [
{ 'Head': 'Last Name', 'FieldName': 'name["lastName"]' },
{ 'Head': 'First Name', 'FieldName': 'name["firstName"]' },
{ 'Head': 'ID', 'FieldName': 'id' }

public getStudents(): void {
  (response: Student[]) => {
    this.students = response;
  (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {

I've also tried this but no luck unfortunately

   public headArray = [
    { 'Head': 'Last Name', 'FieldName': 'name.lastName' },
    { 'Head': 'First Name', 'FieldName': 'name.firstName' },
    { 'Head': 'Id', 'FieldName': 'id' }

the getStudents method is ran when ngOnInit is called and populates an array of students

CodePudding user response:

To access nested object We could create custom pipe to transform string dot notation to object key


import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { Student } from './model';

  name: 'createPath',
export class CreatePathPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(student: Student,fieldName?: string): any {
    return fieldName.split('.').reduce((p, c) => (p && p[c]) || null, student);


<td *ngFor="let head of headArray">
      {{ student | createPath: head.FieldName }}

Working Example

CodePudding user response:

You can use the dot notation to access the nested properties of the "name" object in the template. In the Typescript file, change the "FieldName" value in the headArray to 'name.firstName' and 'name.lastName' respectively.

public headArray = [
{ 'Head': 'Last Name', 'FieldName': 'name.lastName' },
{ 'Head': 'First Name', 'FieldName': 'name.firstName' },
{ 'Head': 'ID', 'FieldName': 'id' }

and in the HTML

<td *ngFor="let head of headArray">

Hope this Helps! Cheers!!

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