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Higher Order functions from Eloquent JavaScript


I am learning JavaScript and using the Eloquent JavaScript book by Marijn Haverbeke. I don't understand how the below higher order function works, specifically how the variables m and n are assigned.

Please advise.

function greaterThan(n) {
  return m => m > n;
let greaterThan10 = greaterThan(10);
// → true

I've run the code and proven that it works for when m > n (true) and when m < n (false).

CodePudding user response:

First of all, there are multiple concepts you need to understand:

  • Function declaration is a description of what function accepts and how does it behave. In your example function greaterThan(n) { ... } and m => ... are function declarations.

  • Function invocation is a request to execute specific function with specific arguments. In you example greaterThan(10) is a function invocation.

  • Parameters are special local variables that a function accepts and can use later. In your example, n is a parameter of greaterThan function and m is a parameter of the inner function.

  • Arguments are specific values of parameters passed during function invocation.

  • Function scope is tougher to explain. It kind of a virtual space containing references to all the variables visible in specific function. For example, greaterThan sees variable n only, but inner m => m > n sees both n and m. That's because of another concept called closure.

  • Closure - tldr means that inner function can reference variables from all parent scopes, up to global scope.

Now to explaining your case.

function greaterThan(n) {
  return m => m > n;

This declares a function greaterThan with a single parameter n. This function returns a closure - anonymous function with single parameter m.

let greaterThan10 = greaterThan(10);

This invokes greaterThan function with 10 as argument. greaterThan returns a closure with n=10. E.g:

let greaterThan10 = m => m > 10;

And finally


invokes the function returned by greaterThan with 11 as an argument.

E.g. (m => m > 10)(11) -> 11 > 10 -> true.

I hope this is helpful.

CodePudding user response:

The variable n is the parameter to greaterThan(), so it's assigned when that function is called. The function returns another function, one with a parameter called m. That parameter is assigned a value when the returned function is called.

Thus in your example, n gets the value 10 when greaterThan() is called, and then m in the returned function gets the value 11 when that function is called.

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