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Selecting substrings from different points in strings depending on another column entry SQL


I have 2 columns that look a little like this:

Column A Column B Column C
ABC {"ABC":1.0,"DEF":24.0,"XYZ":10.50,} 1.0
DEF {"ABC":1.0,"DEF":24.0,"XYZ":10.50,} 24.0

I need a select statement to create column C - the numerical digits in column B that correspond to the letters in Column A. I have got as far as finding the starting point of the numbers I want to take out. But as they have different character lengths I can't count a length, I want to extract the characters from the calculated starting point( below) up to the next comma.

STRPOS(Column B, Column A) 5 Gives me the correct character for the starting point of a SUBSTRING query, from here I am lost. Any help much appreciated.

NB, I am using google Big Query, it doesn't recognise CHARINDEX.

CodePudding user response:

You can use a regular expression as well.

WITH sample_table AS (
  SELECT 'ABC' ColumnA, '{"ABC":1.0,"DEF":24.0,"XYZ":10.50,}' ColumnB UNION ALL
  SELECT 'DEF', '{"ABC":1.0,"DEF":24.0,"XYZ":10.50,}' UNION ALL
  SELECT 'XYZ', '{"ABC":1.0,"DEF":24.0,"XYZ":10.50,}'
       REGEXP_EXTRACT(ColumnB, FORMAT('"%s":([0-9.] )', ColumnA)) ColumnC 
  FROM sample_table;

Query results

enter image description here


Regarding @Bihag Kashikar's suggestion: sinceColumnB is an invalid json, it will not be properly parsed within js udf like below. If it's a valid json, js udf with json key can be an alternative of a regular expression. I think.

CREATE TEMP FUNCTION custom_json_extract(json STRING, key STRING)
  try {
    obj = JSON.parse(json);
  catch {
    return null;
  return obj[key];

SELECT custom_json_extract('{"ABC":1.0,"DEF":24.0,"XYZ":10.50,}', 'ABC') invalid_json,
       custom_json_extract('{"ABC":1.0,"DEF":24.0,"XYZ":10.50}', 'ABC') valid_json;

Query results

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

take a look at this post too, this shows using js udf and with split options

Error when trying to have a variable pathsname: JSONPath must be a string literal or query parameter

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