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String to array Laravel 8


I'm trying to convert seats to an array in the controller.

this is how the seats data is sent to the controller seats : "B7D7G10"

i want to convert it to look something like this "B7 , D7 , G10" and I want to match the seats data with my seats table so i can change the seats values in the seats table

This is my jQuery function.

$("#purchase").on("click",function() {
    var data = {
        seats: $(".seats-selected").text(),
        seats_id: $(".seats-selected").data('sid'),
        theatre_id: $("#theatres").data('tid'),
        movie_id: $(".movie_id").val(),
        movie: $("#m-title").text(),
        theatre: $("#theatres").text(),
        date: $("#date").text(),
        time: $("#time").val(),
        total_price: $("#total-p").text(),
        headers: {
            'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
        type: "POST",
        url: "/send-email",
        data: data,
        success: function(response) {
            alert("Your Theatre"   data.theatre   "\n"   data.seats_id   "\n"   data.date   "\n"   data.time   "\n"   data.total_price   "\n" );

This is my controller:

    $seats = $request->seats;
    $theatre_id = $request->theatre_id;
    $date = $request->date;
    $time = $request->time;
    $movie_id = $request->movie_id;
    $total_price =  $request->total_price;    
    $bookings = bookings::where('theatre_id', $theatre_id)
                    ->where('date', $date)
                    ->where('time', $time)
                    ->where('movie_id', $movie_id)

    $reserved_seats = $bookings->pluck('seat_number')->toArray();

    $seat = seats::where('seat_number', $request->seats_id)
                ->where('theatre_id', $theatre_id)
                ->where('movie_id', $movie_id)

    if ($seat && !in_array($seat->id, $reserved_seats)) {
        $seat->available = 0;

        // add the booking to the bookings table
        $booking = new bookings;
        $booking->theatre_id = $theatre_id;
        $booking->movie_id = $movie_id;
        $booking->seat_number = explode(',',$seats);
        $booking->date = $date;
        $booking->time = $time;
        $booking->total_price = $total_price;
        $booking->user_id = auth()->id();

I tried every method implode, explode, array_map, everything it won't work if i just leave it be it will only change the value of the first seat. What I wanna do is save the values in bookings table (seat_number column) e.g like this: A1, B9, G10 and match the seats the AJAX request is sending to the controller from the seats table and change its available value to 0.

CodePudding user response:

If you need to separate the string with no delimiting characters, then split on the zero-width space after each sequence of numbers.

\K forgets the previously matched characters so that they are not lost in the splitting process. preg_split()'s advantage over preg_match_all() is that preg_split() only creates a flat array whereas preg_match_all() creates a 2d array -- of which only its first row is used.

Code: (Demo)

$seats = "B7G12D9";

var_export (
    preg_split('/\d \K/', $seats, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)


array (
  0 => 'B7',
  1 => 'G12',
  2 => 'D9',

Here's the implementation of the same pattern on a different string for a different effect.

CodePudding user response:

It's easy enough to split up a string like B7D9H12 with a regular expression.

In PHP you'd have


$seats = "B7G12D9";
$pat = "/([A-Z]\d )/";  // Search for A to Z followed by one or more digits and capture
preg_match_all($pat, $seats, $matches);
$seatArray = $matches[0];         // Extract the captured data from the $matches array

Giving an array:

array(3) {
  string(2) "B7"
  string(3) "G12"
  string(2) "D9"

You can do something similar in Javascript if you prefer.

See https://3v4l.org/bfZka

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