I'm using vscode as IDE
I have code a very simple usage of pytest fixture but it doesn't working when basic example fixture found in the pytest documentation are working well :
def declare_hexidict():
hd = hexidict()
rvc = ReferenceValueCluster()
rv = ReferenceValue(init=3)
hd_var = (hd, rvc, rv)
return hd_var
def setitem_getitem(declare_hexidict):
# hd = hexidict()
# rvc = ReferenceValueCluster()
# rv = ReferenceValue(init=3)
hd, rvc, rv = declare_hexidict
print('datastruct defined')
hd[rvc("key1").reflink] = rv[0].reflink
hd[rvc["key1"]] == rv[0]
assert rvc["key1"] in hd.keys(), "key :{} is not int this hexidict".format(
assert hd[rvc["key1"]] == rv[0], "key :{} return {} instead of {}".format(
rvc["key1"], hd[rvc["key1"]], rv[0]
#set non value item (on set une liste)
hd[rvc("key2").reflink] = [rv[1].reflink]
assert type(hd[rvc["key2"]]) == list
#on verifie que l'item dans la list est bien celui qui provient de rv
assert hd[rvc["key2"]][0] in rv
I get in the test summary info :
ERROR test/process/hexidict/test_hd_basic_function.py - TypeError: setitem_getitem() missing 1 required positional argument: 'declare_hexidict'
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interrupted: 1 error during collection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CodePudding user response:
pytest does not recognize setitem_getitem like test, so you should rename it to test_setitem_getitem and try it out:
def test_setitem_getitem(declare_hexidict):