$money = ["Ahmed" => 100, "Sayed" => 150, "Osama" => 100, "Maher" => 250];
// Output
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
echo <<<"hello"
The Name Is $key And I Need $value Pound From Him
In php how can i make this foreach loop with for loop to get $key and $value separated
CodePudding user response:
is this what you are asking for
$money = ["Ahmed" => 100, "Sayed" => 150, "Osama" => 100, "Maher" => 250];
// Output
$keys = array_keys($money);
$values = array_values($money);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i ) {
echo "The Name Is " . $keys[$i] . " And I Need " . $values[$i] . " Pound From Him<br>";