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Can't stop low level hooks in powershell (c# hook)


after an evening of arguments with both chat gpt and bing chat, I now turn to the (hopefully) wiser people of stackoverflow. My problem is this: I have low level hooks implemented in c#. I subscribe to the events in a powershell class, which I then use in a GUI. Subscribing to the events and starting the hooks works just fine, however, I can't stop the hooks from my class or GUI program. Currently I'm thinking that whenever I press 'f4' the hooks should stop, but I keep getting 'cannot call a method on a null-valued expression', and I really don't understand why it would be null-valued or how I would solve it. Here comes my code, I don't think it's necessary to show the implementation of the hook or the GUI, but let me know otherwise.

class InputRecorder {
    [KeyboardHookExample.KeyboardHook] $kh
    [Ikst.MouseHook.MouseHook] $mh
    [System.Windows.Forms.ListView] $list

    InputRecorder() {
        $this.kh = New-Object KeyboardHookExample.KeyboardHook
        $this.mh = New-Object Ikst.MouseHook.MouseHook

        # Store the reference to the class instance
        $self = $this

        # Define the event handler for KeyDown
            param($sender, $e)
            $vkCode = $sender.vkCode
            Write-Host $vkCode
            if ($vkCode -eq 115) {

            $charCode = [Win32.NativeMethods]::MapVirtualKey($vkCode, 2)
            $char = [char]$charCode

            Write-Host $char

        # Define the event handler for LeftButtonDown
            param($sender, $e)
            $mousePosition = $sender.pt
            $y = $mousePosition.y
            $x = $mousePosition.x
            $item = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem
            $item.ToolTipText = $global:dict["LeftClickCode"] -f $x, $y
            $item.Text = $global:dict["LeftClickDescription"] -f $x, $y

        # Start the keyboard and mouse hooks
    [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag[string]] getList() {
        return $this.list

    [void] StopHooks() {

CodePudding user response:

The problem is that the method-local $self variable isn't available from inside the script block serving as an event delegate passed to the .add_KeyDown() method.

While it is understandable to expect PowerShell's dynamic scoping to also apply inside PowerShell's custom classes, that is not the case:

A script block passed as an event delegate to a .NET method from inside a class:

  • does not see the local variables of the enclosing method - unless you explicitly capture them by calling .GetNewClosure() on the script block.

    • What it does see in the absence of .GetNewClosure() are the variables from the class-defining scope, i.e. those defined outside the class, in the scope in which the class is defined (and from that scope's ancestral scopes), because it runs in a grandchild scope of that scope.[1]
  • does not see $this as referring to the instance of the enclosing class, because - unfortunately - the automatic $this variable in event delegates shadows the class-level definition of $this and instead refers to the event sender.

    • And because class-internal use of $this is the only way to gain access to instance variables (properties) of a class, the latter are shadowed too.

There are two solution options:

  • On a per-method basis (to make your attempt work):

    • Define a method-local variable such as $self and then call .GetNewClosure() on every event-delegate script block passed to .NET methods from the same method, which allows you to access the method-local variables in that script block.

    • However, note that .GetNewClosure() will make your script block lose access to the variables from the class-defining scope.

  • Preferably, at the class level (no method-specific code needed):

    • Use (Get-Variable -Scope 1 -ValueOnly this) to gain access to the the class instance at hand, i.e. to the shadowed version of $this

    • This obviates the need for method-specific logic and also preserves access to variables from the class-defining scope (if needed).

The following self-contained sample code demonstrates both approaches:

  • For easy visualization, a WinForms form is created (the scoping issues apply equally), with two buttons whose event handlers demonstrate either approach above.

  • Clicking either button updates the form's title text with distinct text, and the ability to do so implies that a reference to the enclosing class instance was successfully obtained from inside the event-handler script blocks.


  • Be sure to execute the following first, before invoking the code below via a script file:

    Add-Type -ErrorAction Stop -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
  • This is - unfortunately - necessary, because (up to at least PowerShell 7.4.0) any .NET types referenced in a class definition must have been loaded into the session before the script is parsed (loaded) - see this answer for background information.

#  * Run 
#      Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
#    BEFORE invoking this script.

using namespace System.Windows.Forms
using namespace System.Drawing

class FormWrapper {
  [Form] $form

  FormWrapper() {
    # Create a form with two buttons that update the form's caption (title text).
    $this.form = [Form] @{ Text = "Sample"; Size = [Size]::new(360, 90); StartPosition = 'CenterScreen' }
        [Button] @{
          Name = 'button1'
          Location = [Point]::new(30, 10); Size = [Size]::new(130, 30)
          Text = "With Get-Variable"
        [Button] @{
          Name = 'button2'
          Location = [Point]::new(190, 10); Size = [Size]::new(130, 30)
          Text = "With GetNewClosure"

    # Get-Variable approach.
        param($sender, [System.EventArgs] $evtArgs)
        # Obtain the shadowed $this variable value to refer to
        # this class instance and access its $form instance variable (property)
        (Get-Variable -Scope 1 -ValueOnly this).form.Text = 'Button clicked (Get-Variable)'

    # Local variable   .GetNewClosure() approach.
    # Define a method-local $self variable to cache the value of $this.
    $self = $this
    # !! YOU MUST CALL .GetNewClosure() on the event-delegate script
    # !! block to capture the local $self variable
        param($sender, [System.EventArgs] $evtArgs)
        # Use the captured local $self variable to refer to this class instance.
        $self.form.Text = 'Button clicked (.GetNewClosure)'

  ShowDialog() {
    # Display the dialog modally
    $null = $this.form.ShowDialog()


# Instantiate the class and show the form.

[1] The immediate parent scope is the class instance at hand, but (a) there appears to be no method-level scope (hence no access to method-local variables) and (b) at the instance level the only variable that is defined is $this, which is shadowed, as explained later (and any instance variables (properties) must be accessed via $this.)

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